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Biennial Certification


Biennial Certifications must be completed by every department that has equipment inventory assets. This is referenced in Policy 19.054. This process is done to certify that our equipment inventory records are accurate at the date the certification is signed.


An email will be sent out to the Equipment Inventory Contact for a department every two years. The email will provide all of the necessary information to complete the Biennial Certification. This includes instructions along with the Certification form and contact list.

To view a departments green tagged assets please use the Equipment Inventory Dashboard in OBIEE.

Once a departments inventory is pulled, please review the listing of fixed assets. Every asset needs to be physically located to ensure it is still in use and on campus. If any of the information on the inventory listing is incorrect, it needs to be reported using the Equipment Status Change form. The following link has the form along with other information to manage a departments equipment inventory, /finance/accounting/green-tag-equipment.

Once all the changes have been accounted for, please return those changes along with the signed Biennial Certification Form to finance.equipmentinventory@ohio.edu

If you have any questions or concerns, please email finance.equipmentinventory@ohio.edu