Quick Reference Guides
The table below contains all quick reference guides (QRG) available on the Finance site. The search box can be used to look for keywords about the Quick Reference Guides.
Finance Quick Reference Guides
QRG Name | Description | Last Update |
BobcatBUY - Approval Search | Provides BobcatBUY users with the process to search for Requisitions, AP Requests, and Invoices that were recently approved or are awaiting approval. | 03/18/2022 |
BobcatBUY - Approval Folder UI Update | Current UI to new UI comparison in the Approval folder. | 11/10/2021 |
BobcatBUY - Assign Substitute Approvers | Provides the process to assign substitute approvers for invoices in BobcatBUY. | 11/07/2019 |
BobcatBUY - Document Search | Walks users through the BCB document search experience. | 11/05/2020 |
BobcatBUY - Invoice Approval | This document is to guide PO owners through workflow rules within BobcatBUY, as well as provide information needed by Accounts Payable when an invoice is returned. | 09/28/2022 |
BobcatBUY - Non Catalog Item | To create a non-catalog item in BobcatBUY, the form is found below the Shop Everything search box. You must have a quote or some documentation to support the price. | 10/15/2019 |
BobcatBUY - Payment Request | The Payment Request form is found in the Internal Forms section of BobcatBUY. This form should be used for payments that do NOT require a Purchase Order (PO). If your transaction requires a contract, you cannot use this process. For a list of accepted payments, please access the Payment Request Matrix. | 04/14/2020 |
BobcatBUY - Payment Request Form: Approver | Overview of how to complete the approval process for the Payment Request Form. | 04/14/2020 |
BobcatBUY - Services Agreement | Overview of how to complete the Services Agreement Form in BobcatBUY. | 04/14/2020 |
BobcatBUY - Supplier Search | Overview of how to search for a supplier in BobcatBUY. | 09/30/2021 |
BobcatBUY - Home Page: Old vs. New | Overview of the differences between the old homepage look and the new homepage. | 04/03/2020 |
COA - General Ledger | An overview of the new General Ledger Account Structure including parent and child hierarchy values for all segments, except Object. Refer to the Account Code Structure page for more details. | 12/11/2017 |
COA - Grants Accounting | An overview of the Grants Accounting Structure which is used for all Sponsored Projects, Capital Projects, and Internal Awards. Refer to the Grants Accounting section of the Account Code Structure Page for more details. | 02/15/2019 |
COA - Entity Segment | An overview of the new Entity Segment of the General Ledger Chart of Accounts. Refer to the Account Code Structure page for more details. | 07/31/2018 |
COA - Organization Segment | An overview of the new Organization Segment of the General Ledger Chart of Accounts. Refer to the Account Code Structure page for more details. | 07/31/2018 |
COA - Source Segment | An overview of the new Source Segment of the General Ledger Chart of Accounts. Refer to the Account Code Structure page for more details. | 07/31/2018 |
COA - Function Segment | An overview of the new Function Segment of the General Ledger Chart of Accounts. Refer to the Account Code Structure page for more details. | 05/27/2021 |
COA - Activity Segment | An overview of the new Activity Segment of the General Ledger Chart of Accounts. Refer to the Account Code Structure page for more details. | 07/31/2018 |
COA - Internal Charges | An overview of the revenue and expense object codes defined for Internal Charges (internal to the University) | 04/17/2020 |
COA - Funding and Investment Transfers | An overview of the transfer object codes (funding transfer and investment transfers). Funding transfers are movement of operating funds and investment transfers are movement to/from non-operating funds. | 05/05/2022 |
COA - Revenue and Expense Allocations | An overview of Revenue Allocations/Distributions and Expense Allocations which refer to all object codes that are mapped under those respective B-Levels in the Object Code Hierarchy. | 12/01/2017 |
Concur - Creating a Concur Delegate | An overview of how to create a delegate for extended time away from the office. | 07/26/2021 |
Concur - e-Receipts | The purpose of this document is to guide Concur users on how to enable e-receipts and prevent e-receipt processing errors. | 04/05/2019 |
Concur - How to Assign a Travel/ Advance | The purpose of this document is to guide Concur users through the process of assigning a Travel Advance to a Travel Report in Concur. | 07/05/2019 |
Concur - How to Process a Travel Advance Cash Return | The purpose of this document is to guide Concur users through the process of processing a Travel Advance Cash Return in Concur. | 07/05/2019 |
Concur - Itemization and Allocation | The purpose of this document is to guide Concur user on how to itemize and allocate expenses. | 05/10/2019 |
Concur - Itinerary | The purpose of this document is to guide Concur users on how to create an itinerary to claim Per Diem. | 05/07/2019 |
Concur - Mileage Calculator | The purpose of this document is to guide Concur users through the process of using the mileage calculator to add personal vehicle mileage to their Concur report. | 04/29/2019 |
Concur - Per Diem Allowances | An overview of Per Diem Allowance for Travel. | 05/07/2019 |
Concur - Save a copy of Travel Itinerary | The purpose of this document is to guide Concur users through the process of printing and emailing a copy of their travel itinerary in Concur. | 03/14/2019 |
Concur - Set up Travel Profile | The purpose of this document is to guide Concur users through the process of setting up the required fields in the travel profile. A travel profile is required in order to book travel in Concur | 03/14/2019 |
Concur - Spousal and Family Travel | The purpose of this document is to guide Concur users through the process of booking business travel combined with family travel. | 3/25/2019 |
Concur - View Unused Tickets | The purpose of this document is to guide Concur users through the process of locating unused airline tickets in Concur. | 3/14/2019 |
Concur Expense Interface Upgrade | This documents the visual changes to the Concur Expense User Interface as of February 5, 2019. | 09/01/2021 |
Concur Mobile - Log in and Authentication | This document explains how to log in to the Concur Mobile application. | 06/11/2021 |
Concur Mobile - Cost Object Approver Process | The purpose of this document is to guide Concur users through the process of approving reports in the Concur Mobile app. | 07/26/2021 |
Contract and Insurance Matrix | An overview of how to use the Contract and Insurance Matrix to determine what contract to use and what insurance level is needed for purchased services. | 04/23/2020 |
Departmental User Access Requests for Financial & Administrative Systems | This guide explains how access is managed for financial and administrative systems. It specifies which access/roles are automatically granted, where to submit requests for elevated access, and who must approve the access requests. | 10/09/2023 |
eBiz - Concur Default Cost Center | This document guides users through setting up Concur cost center defaults using eBiz. | 09/23/2019 |
eBiz - Configuring Java Exception Site List | 06/03/2021 | |
eBiz - Connection Requirements & Supported Browsers | This document explains the system and browser requirements to access Oracle E-Business Suite (EBIZ) forms. | 05/23/2022 |
eBiz - Oracle E-Business Suite (EBIZ) - 12.2 Changes | This document reviews the changes to Oracle eBiz related to the upgrade to Oracle EBS 12.2 | 06/02/2021 |
eBiz - Worklist Delegation | This documents how to setup delegates to approve Absence and ICD notifications for your Oracle worklist. Also covers the setting of vacation rules. | 06/07/2024 |
FARM - Delegate | 04/24/2020 | |
FARM - Fiscal Officer | 04/24/2020 | |
FARM - Navigation | 04/24/2020 | |
Federal Workstudy | Instructions on how to charge Federal WorkStudy (FWS), cost share requirements and FWS reporting. | 12/01/2017 |
Foundation and Endowment Accounting | An overview of Foundation and Endowment Accounting with the new Chart of Accounts; specifically using Sources and Entities. | 10/31/2019 |
FSE - Account Validation Tool (AVT) | This document instructs users how to use the Account Validation Took to check if accounts are valid. | 03/25/2022 |
FSE - Concur | 12/01/2017 | |
FSE - FMS Reports to OBI Dashboards | Crosswalk from discontinued FMS Reports to new OBI Dashboards. | 01/04/2018 |
FSE - Mail barcode | This document explains how to generate a mail slip with a valid charge account. | 02/17/2023 |
FSE - Online Graduate Appointments (OGA) | 08/01/2019 | |
FSE - Scholarship Management System | 01/01/2018 | |
FSE - Workforce | 12/01/2017 | |
Fund a Capital Account | Overview of how to complete the funding source sections in the Project Initiation Form (PIF) and the Project Authorization Reqest (PAR) form for funding an approved Capital Project. | 12/01/2017 |
How to charge PACE | Instructions on how to charge PACE ( Program to Aid Career Exploration) | 10/01/2017 |
How to Charge Rebill Accounts | Overview of how to charge a rebill account which is the University's process to facilitate certain external billing authorizations known as Rebill accounts. | 05/01/2018 |
Institutional Base Salary (IBS) | Overview of IBS policy, what is included and excluded from IBS and additional compensation examples. | 06/28/2019 |
Internal Award - How To Guide | Instruction on how to set up and maintain Internal Awards in the Oracle Grants Accounting Module. | 02/23/2023 |
Internal Award - Condensed Version How to Guide | A condensed version of How To Guide for the more experienced user. | 02/23/2023 |
Internal Award - Find and Correct Expired Internal Awards | Information on finding and correcting internal awards attached to projects that have passed the end date and have an available balance. | 05/31/2022 |
Internal Award - Find and Correct Overspends on Internal Awards | Information on finding and correcting internal awards that have a negative available balance. | 05/03/2023 |
Internal Award - Reconciling General Ledger to Grants Module | Information on reconciling specific sources and organizations between the general ledger and the grants module. | 05/31/2022 |
Internal Award - Q & A | Many of the common questions and issues concerning the Internal Award process. | 05/03/2023 |
Jet-Filling out a Journal Entry Template | This guide shows the steps used to download and populate the Excel Journal Entry Template. Please see the Journal Entry Tool (JET) User Guide for additional information. | 04/01/2023 |
Journal Entry Tool (JET) | This guide shows the steps used to stage and upload journal entries using JET as well as how to monitor the status of uploaded journals. Please see the Journal Entry Tool (JET) User Guide for additional information. | 04/01/2023 |
Remote Access - Multi-Factor Authentication | If your Multi-Factor Authentication method is to call your office phone, you will need to need modify your settings to access Oracle E-Business Suite from an off-campus location. This guide outlines the steps to make those changes. | 03/13/2020 |
OBI - Absence Management | This dashboard is used to view Paid Time Off (PTO) balances and usage for salaried administrative staff and faculty. Use this dashboard to view current PTO balances, projected end of year balances, and absence dates for the current fiscal year. | 07/25/2022 |
OBI - Accessing Gift Agreements | 03/01/2019 | |
OBI - Appointment Information and Costing | 07/21/2020 | |
OBI - Base Salary Listing | 11/08/2019 | |
OBI - Concur Defaults/ | This document guides users through the Concur Defaults dashboard within OBI. | 09/23/2019 |
OBI - Conversion Lookup | 12/11/2017 | |
OBI - Cost Center Lookup | 10/14/2020 | |
OBI - Effort Reporting | Use this dashboard to view the supporting payroll amounts included on the Effort Reports that are distributed by the Grants Accounting office for certification each academic term. | 11/29/2018 |
OBI - Employee Lookup | Use this dashboard to look up basic employee data such as contact information, title, employee number, supervisor or planning unit. | 01/27/2021 |
OBI - Equipment Inventory | 04/27/2020 | |
OBI - Expenditure Inquiry | 10/14/2020 | |
OBI - F&A / IDC Distribution Process | 03/30/2021 | |
OBI - FARM Approvers | 07/07/2020 | |
OBI - Finance & HR Systems Access Dashboard | Use this dashboard to view Oracle E-Business (EBIZ) access and Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) access to Finance or HR subject areas. This dashboard helps CFAOs and functional offices complete routine access audits and is useful in determining if access changes may be needed for new employees, transfers, promotions, re-orgs, etc. | 01/27/2021 |
OBI - General Functionality | The purpose of this document is to show you how to login to OBI and navigate to the Finance and Human Resources dashboards. It also contains general tips to help you use OBI more effectively. | 11/02/2023 |
OBI - GL Balance Sheet Dashboard | 04/01/2019 | |
OBI - GL Funds Available | 08/25/2021 | |
OBI - Grants Funds Available | 09/26/2019 | |
OBI - Grants Installments Dashboard | 04/20/2018 | |
OBI - HR Payroll Forecasting | 02/05/2019 | |
OBI - Income Statement by Org Level | 12/11/2017 | |
OBI - Legacy Transaction Export | 05/02/2018 | |
OBI - Monthly Income Statement by Org Level | 12/11/2017 | |
OBI - Object Lookup | 05/25/2023 | |
OBI - Payments | 09/01/2017 | |
OBI - Payroll Detail | 11/08/2019 | |
OBI - Payroll Forecasting | 11/08/2019 | |
OBI - PO Summary | This dashboard allows you to view Purchase Order details and their associated Invoices. | 08/05/2024 |
OBI - Segment Lookup | 12/11/2017 | |
OBI - Summary Report | 04/17/2020 | |
OBI - Transaction Export | 08/25/2021 | |
PCard Transact Payments (formerly CashNet) Refund Guide | Overview of how to submit a repayment to a PCard via eCheck or Credit Card via Transact Payments (formerly CashNet). | 07/22/2022 |
Purchasing Roadmap | Overview of how to use the web-based purchasing roadmap. | 04/16/2020 |
SOR Investment Funding | Instructions on journal entries related to the areas of investment will look different for the remainder of FY18 than they will starting in FY19 as a result of the mid-year Chart of Accounts conversion. | 10/01/2017 |
Student Organization Funding | An overview of Student Organization accounts, including OBI - Student Funds Available, Transfers, & Internal Billings. | 07/21/2021 |
Supplier Dashboard | 05/15/2023 | |
Supplier/Payee Information Form | Overview of how to complete the Supplier/Payee Information Form. | 04/16/2020 |
Travel - CBT: Lowest Price Guarantee | An overview of Christopherson Business Travel (CBT) process for airfare price match. | 04/01/2019 |
Travel - The Parking Spot | An overview of how to obtain a 25% discount parking rate at the Columbus Airport for business or personal travel through The Parking Spot. | 10/07/2019 |
Remote Access - VPN | To access Oracle e-Business Suite, shared drives, and other online university resources, users are required to be connected to Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University’s secured network or connect through Campus VPN. Campus VPN creates an encrypted "tunnel" that protects your network traffic from being captured by unauthorized individuals. | 03/13/2020 |