Student Feature: BRC's Preston Lynch

February 25, 2021

Preston Lynch is a third-year student majoring in music production and recording industry (MPRI) with minors in music and marketing. He is the 2020-21 head of the production department for Brick City Records, the student-run record label and capstone course for the MPRI major. Preston expects to graduate in fall, 2021. He answers questions about his role in BRC and what he’ll be taking away from the experience.

Q: Describe your work in your role. What do you do with artists? 

A: I oversee the recording, mixing, mastering, and overall production of the four Brick City projects that will be released this year. I also serve as quality control and make sure deadlines are being met within the production team.  

Q: How have you managed to produce music in the midst of the pandemic?

A: My team and I have made the necessary adjustments to produce during the midst of this pandemic by just rolling with the punches. Working around studio schedules, following strict COVID safety protocol, taking every bit of what we are given. It wasn’t easy, but my team killed it this year and they made my job run smooth. They deserve every bit of credit for accomplishing what they have in these unprecedented circumstances. 

Q: How did you prepare for your work with Brick City Records?

A: I’ve been producing records for about four years, so I felt well prepared when I was elected into my role at Brick City. I just focused on applying all my knowledge and experience to be the best leader I could be. 

Q: What is your fondest memory of working with the label? 

A: My fondest memory of Brick City is my favorite Baker’s Dozen live stream. This was a regulated four-act performance that was filmed in Baker Theater and live-streamed through Twitch. Camille, one of Brick City’s own, headlined the event and she absolutely killed it. It was a great show and felt amazing to see our “virtual” work come to life.  

Q: How has this program prepared you for your career (or the career you hope to have)? 

A: This program has prepared me for a career in the music industry by teaching me about teamwork. In the past, it’s always been me alone in my bedroom producing records. With Brick City, I was exposed to a team environment. Learning how to apply individuals’ strengths and accommodate to their weaknesses is a big part of being a leader, and that knowledge will stay with me throughout my career. 

Q: What skills/proficiencies did you gain? 

A: Teamwork, leadership, organization, supervision. 

Q: What relationships did you develop during the experience with Brick City Records?

A: I made a lot of connections within Brick City.  I have a lot of respect for multiple members of the label, and I plan to stay connected / work with them in the future. It’s also been great to learn from our professor, Josh [Antonuccio]. I like to watch how he handles certain situations because you can tell he has a lot of experience with these kinds of things. He’s made a huge impact on how I do business.  

Q: Do you have any advice for students who are considering participating in the label?  

A: My advice to any students looking to join the label is give it your all. Do the small things that benefit the label and eventually they will add up to make a big difference. There will be times when things get off track or go down the wrong path; be the one to step up and make things right. Don’t wait for someone to tell you what to do, take initiative and do it on your own. Take matters into your own hands and do what you must to create more success, whether you’re a leader or not. Don’t treat it like a school project or that’s all it’ll ever be. Aim for the stars and make it happen.