I have a pending proposal in LEO. Was my proposal moved to Cayuse?
Yes. All pending proposals will be automatically loaded in Cayuse prior to go live.
Cayuse ‘Sponsored Projects’ will replace the LEO Service Center, Transmittal, and Award Processes. This module will be used by faculty and administrators to create proposals, route them for approval, follow them through the award process and ultimately receive an account number for spending.
Questions about the system, email cayuse@ohio.edu. Project specific questions, email your ORSP Team - orspgreenteam@ohio.edu or orspwhiteteam@ohio.edu
The information below will be updated as additional information becomes available.
Fall 2024: ORSP uploads legacy records into the system, continues ORSP and Grant Accounting staff training and testing, and plans informational sessions for early Spring 2025. |
Spring 2025: Information sessions scheduled for late January/early February. Cayuse Sponsored Projects goes live for all faculty and staff. |
Yes. All pending proposals will be automatically loaded in Cayuse prior to go live.
Yes. All active awards, including prior year’s data, will be automatically loaded in Cayuse prior to go live.
Some legacy data will be moved to Cayuse. All records that have had any activity (proposal submission, award, or award modification) beginning July 1, 2021 and forward will be transitioned to Cayuse. Long-running projects may have data prior to 2021 summarized. All other LEO data will be moved to an Oracle database and available to ORSP staff for reporting purposes.
No. We believe Cayuse Sponsored Projects is simple to use. We strongly suggest you create an account at to view four introductory "Sponsored Projects 4.0|Research Level 1" videos created by Cayuse. These videos demonstrate how to navigate the sponsored Projects module. ORSP has also created step-by-step, definition, and explanatory documentation for your use.
Yes. ORSP will offer several Information Sessions prior to the Sponsored Projects launch. At least one of the sessions will be recorded and posted to this site for future review.
Cayuse Structure: Cayuse Sponsored Projects has three (3) “sections:” Proposals, Projects, and Awards. Proposals are the equivalent of a transmittal in LEO and include Information for review by ORSP prior to submission to the sponsor and the actual proposal itself. The Project section is an umbrella that encompasses the totality of all Proposal(s) and Award(s) within it. Project records offer a wide perspective within the system and allow users to view all of the Proposal(s) and Award(s) that are connected to a singular project. |
Integrations: Information from Cayuse is fed directly into Oracle Grants, eliminating delays awaiting re-keying of data. |
Proposal Preparation: Principal investigators can add specific individuals to proposal records to allow for assistance with proposal preparation. ORSP staff see all proposals and can assist with any record. |
Dashboards: Faculty will have access to all of their records via a dashboard. Dashboards can be customized to display the fields desired. Each proposal and award record displays summary data to include dates, sponsors and amounts. Faculty will also be able to run proposal and award reports. |
Notifications: Only one email notification message is sent to chairs and deans in the approval process. Faculty and staff (including ORSP staff) will need to be more diligent following the routing process through to finalization. There is a screen that tracks the routing process in each proposal and award. |
The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs will host informational sessions for researchers and administrative staff where we will provide a general overview of Cayuse Sponsored Projects, highlight key differences from LEO, and answer questions when we are about to go live. Those sessions will be announced on our listserv, on LEO, and via emails.
Use the Cayuse Individual Account Request Form to request a user account in Cayuse if not already in the system. Please note, OU faculty and staff have automatic access to Cayuse via single sign-on. Please try to log in using your OU single sign-on account before submitting this form.
Use the Cayuse Sponsor or External Org Request Form if the Sponsor, cost-share entity, or COI entity is not available in Cayuse.
Use the Cayuse Subrecipient Request Form to request creation of a new subrecipient in Cayuse.