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Forms and Guidelines

Academic and Curricular Matters
New Course and Course Changes Guidelines (PDF)UCC guidelines for new course proposals and new course changes
 (Word)UCC form for temporary course approvals
(PDF)Provost form for students submitting a tuition appeal

Tuition Appeal – Medical Documentation Form (PDF)


Provost form for students submitting a tuition appeal due to medical reasons


Tuition Appeal – Family Medical Emergency Form (PDF)Provost form for students submitting a tuition appeal due to care of a family member during family member's illness



Provost form for students submitting a tuition appeal related to unforeseen job changes
(Excel)Provost form for students submitting a tuition appeal related to the OHIO Guarantee Extension
Faculty Appointments
(Word)Provost guidelines for components of the offer letter for tenure-track faculty
(Word)Provost guidelines for components of the offer letter for tenure-track faculty
 (PDF)Provost guidelines for interdisciplinary faculty appointments (cross-department or joint appointments)
Faculty Promotion and Tenure
(PDF)Signature form for tenure-track faculty promotion and tenure dossier submissions
(PDF)Signature form for instructional faculty promotion dossier submissions
(PDF)Signature form for clinical faculty promotion dossier submissions
(PDF)Provost guidelines for dossier submission for tenure-track faculty promotion and/or tenure
Faculty Transitions and Leaves
(Excel)Signature form for emeriti nomination
(Excel)Signature form for posthumous emeriti nomination
(Excel)Signature form for unpaid leave of absence
(Excel)Signature form for University Faculty Fellowship applications

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