Research and Impact

Aerial photo of ĢƵ University

ĢƵ University joins the Midwest Semiconductor Network

ĢƵ University joins universities in ĢƵ, Michigan, Illinois and Indiana to form a coalition to address national needs in semiconductor and microelectronics.

Dr. Jeff Russell talking to students during an emergency simulation for the SHAPe Clinic

CHSP professor set to discuss research on concussions in stunt performers in webinar

Dr. Jeff Russell is set to speak in a webinar through the Boston University Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) Research Center on Wednesday, Jan. 25, at 1 p.m.

ARC grant for air mobility

ĢƵ University awarded grant to promote air mobility in Appalachia

The Voinovich School was awarded a grant for $50,000 by the Appalachian Regional Commission to help advance and promote innovative air mobility uses in ĢƵ’s Appalachian Region.

Student gives 3-minute thesis talk

Graduate students invited to register for Three Minute Thesis® Competition

Graduate students are invited to participate in the Three Minute Thesis® Competition, where they will have three minutes to present a compelling oration on their thesis and its significance.

Dr. Eric Gorscak is still an explorer, shown here in the field.

Alumnus Eric Gorscak's 'inner kid' loves his career discovering deep-time dinosaurs and ecosystems

Professor Nancy Stevens substitute teaching in Eric Gorscak's undergraduate paleontology class might have been serendipity, but Gorscak didn't leave anything to chance.

Marissa Dyck demonstrates a necropsy on a bobcat that was killed on a road for ĢƵ University undergraduates who conducted necropsies in 2019 and 2020 on roadkill animals for the lab's research.

Marissa Dyck awarded American Society of Mammologists' highest award for a graduate student

Marissa Dyck was awarded the 2022 American Society of Mammologists Fellowship. Mammals — specifically carnivores such as lynx, wolves, bobcats, and coyotes — are the focus of Dyck's research.

Time series (left to right) showing two examples of how the random carbons in the artificial “coal” coalesce into graphite-like sheets under pressure and heat. The sheets aren’t perfectly flat because of the formation of a small number of five- and seven-member rings among the six-member rings.

ĢƵ University simulations on PSC supercomputer transform coal-like material to amorphous graphite and nanotubes

An OHIO physics team used the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center to simulate how coal might eventually be converted to valuable — and carbon-neutral — materials like graphite and carbon nanotubes.

Huiru Wang

From Athens to Paris, Huiru Wang studies corrosion around the world

When the United States border closed during the height of the coronavirus pandemic, Ph.D. candidate Huiru Wang was a visiting scholar at Sorbonne University in Paris, France.

Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Prevention partners

Statewide Center works toward health equity for all ĢƵans

In ĢƵ communities, people are working to help themselves meet health challenges – and people are working to help them do it.

The ĢƵ University sundial

2022-23 Presidential Research Scholars are explorers of human history and scientific discovery

ĢƵ University has named four professors as its 2022-23 Presidential Research Scholars: Neil Bernstein, Ronan Carroll, Katherine Jellison, and Patrick O’Connor.

Kehinde Moyosola Ositimehin

Kehinde Moyosola Ositimehin followed her heart to OHIO, fisheries and water quality

Kehinde Moyosola Ositimehin follows her interests, even when they take her to places she doesn’t expect.

The Wyatt lab at the ASGSR conference in Houston, where they presented their work.

Gbolaga Olanrewaju wins top graduate award, first place for poster at gravitational and space research conference

Gbolaga Olanrewaju won the top graduate student award and first place for his research poster at the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research meeting in Houston.

Figure 1. Thought experiments comparing collisions in gas and mixed gasses under normal conditions. Figure (a) shows a random distribution of gases A and B in a sample volume traveling at a relative speed of vr in time t, and two possible distance d vs time trajectories. Figure (b) shows A and B diluted with C, and two possible trajectories between A and B. Where the flux of A is a function of time whose limit at infinity long time is used to calculate the collision frequency in the Smoluchowski rate model.

Jixin Chen discovers new reaction rate in solution, with implications for industrial, biological processes

While the world watches the soccer world cup, chemist Jixin Chen is studying another kind of "ball" and discovering that a 100-year-old collision theory doesn't stand up to 21st century calculations.

Riley Zielinski in the lab

29 students receive Provost Undergraduate Research Fund awards

The ĢƵ University Provost Undergraduate Research Fund (PURF) award program provided 29 students with a total of $40,446 in funding for their original research, scholarship and creative work this fall.

Huiru Wang's dissertation committee

Ph.D. student Huiru Wang successfully defends dissertation

Huiru Wang, a Ph.D. student in the Institute for Corrosion and Multiphase Technology (ICMT), successfully defended her dissertation.

Showing 166 to 180 of 561 entries