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Fiscal Year End – PCard Transactions

June 11, 2024

All FY24 PCard Transactions (transactions on or prior to 06/30) must be substantiated and submitted for approval in Concur by Friday, July 19th.

Financial approvers must approve the reports by Wednesday, July 24th. If you will be out of the office on this critical approval date, please ensure that a proxy user has been setup that can approve transactions in your absence.

At fiscal year-end it is important to hit these key dates to ensure that transactions are posted to the correct fiscal year. This is critical to ensuring that the University financial statements include all FY24 transactions as required. For transactions at the end of June, the cardholder and approver may have fewer than the standard 28 days for submission and 9 days for approval as provisioned under policy.

Any FY24 transactions that are not submitted by the dates above will result in a cardholder violation and be subject to card suspension until resolved. Any reports not approved by the date above will result in an approver violation.

Questions? Contact financecustomercare@ohio.edu