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Disabling of Function 42 - Deans and Provost for FY21

July 9, 2020

The proposal to eliminate function 42-Deans and Provost was discussed with both the CFAO Group & the Accounting & Reporting Partner Group.  It was agreed that activity currently going through function 42 should be transitioned to function 40-Academic Support, starting immediately, so that function 42 could be end dated on 6/30/20.  It is not necessary to make any corrections to FY20 activity but you should not charge to function 42 in FY21. The decision was made to discontinue use of function 42 because it was not being used as intended for internal management reporting and is not needed for external financial reporting since functions 40 & 42 both roll up to the same Academic Support parent. 

  • After June 2020 period is closed in August, we will disable function 42 in all systems.  Once the function is disabled, internal billings, journal entries, Concur, BobcatBUY transactions, etc. that use Function 42 will not work; units will have to utilize function 40. 
  • Historical data will not be remapped to function 40. 

Questions?  Please contact your Planning Unit CFAO or Kris Sano at sanok@ohio.edu.