Constitution of Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University Emeriti Association
Latest version of the updated (2014) Emeriti Constitution and By-Laws [PDF]
(2014 Edition)
Article I. Name
The name of this nonprofit organization is the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University Emeriti Association, hereafter referred to as the "Association."
Article II. Purposes
The purposes of the Association are to encourage a sense of community; to provide an opportunity for former members of the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University faculty and staff to continue their acquaintances and social contacts; and to engage in a variety of volunteer, advocacy, resource development, and information activities as appropriate for an organization associated with Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University.
Article III. Membership
- Membership in the Association is made up of the following:
- All those individuals having had the status of Emeritus or Emerita conferred upon them by the Board of Trustees of Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University.
- Spouses and partners of members or deceased members.
- "Friends of the Emeriti" membership in the Association is open to the following:
- Other institutions' emeriti residing in the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University community after having had Emerita/Emeritus status conferred by their home institutions may be nominated by an Association member.
- Those individuals who have common interests with Emeriti members and are friends of Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University, reflected through a history of association with Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University and/or the Emeriti, may be nominated by an Association member.
- Those nominated in either of the "Friends" categories above must be approved by the Membership Committee and the Executive Board for membership.
- Faculty and Administrative Staff who otherwise are eligible for review for Emeritus/Emerita status under University procedures and guidelines are not eligible for Association membership under the "Friends" provision.
- Membership Responsibilities:
- To accept the purposes of the Association.
- To support the Association through attendance at meetings, service on committees, and acceptance of leadership responsibilities whenever feasible.
- To pay established Association dues, if any, as set by the Executive Board.
Article IV. Governance of the Association
- Officers of the Association and Duties:
- The president shall preside over all meetings of the Association and the Executive Board and perform duties as usually pertain to that office, including that of calling special meetings of the Executive Board.
- The vice president shall serve in the absence of the president, provide assistance to the president, and serve as the chair of the Program Committee.
- The secretary shall perform both recording and corresponding responsibilities for the Executive Board and the Association.
- The treasurer shall serve as chair of the Finance Committee, maintain all financial accounts of the Association, receive and disburse monies, and prepare financial reports for the regular meetings of the Executive Board.
- The immediate past president shall serve on the Executive Board for two years.
Standing Committee chairs of the Association and Duties.
When appropriate, Standing Committee chairs shall select and chair a committee to perform the duties of the committee:
- Program
- Finance
- Membership and Membership Services
- Volunteer Services
- Emeriti Park
- Benefits
- Communication
- Nominations
- Webmaster
- Archivist/Historian
- Business Year and Terms of Office:
- The business year of the Association shall be from July 1 through June 30. New and re-elected Board members assume positions on July 1.
- The Executive Board:
- The Executive Board is composed of the five officers and the Standing Committee chairs of the Association.
- The duties of the Executive Board are the following:
- To hold regular meetings. All meetings are open to interested members.
- To provide general supervision of the affairs of the Association and make recommendations to the Association.
- To establish the dates, times, and places of meetings.
- To develop policies and procedures necessary for carrying out the purposes of the Association.
- To appoint a successor for any Executive Board member who becomes unable to serve.
- To receive and review secretarial, financial, and other reports.
- To recognize people for Distinguished Service Awards.
- Actions of the Executive Board:
- A simple majority of the members of the Executive Board constitutes a quorum.
- Any proposed Executive Board act or resolution that implies the consent of the membership of the Association must be submitted to the membership 30 days in advance of the vote, which may be taken at a regular or special meeting. Such issues shall be decided by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting.
- The president of Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University shall be invited to appoint a University representative who will serve as a liaison between Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University and the Executive Board.
- Committees:
- The Program Committee shall be responsible for planning and executing programs for the luncheon meetings.
- The Finance Committee shall assist the treasurer in the preparation of the annual Association budget, in proposals of long-term financial projections, in the investment of association funds, in arranging for annual reviews and reports, and in the preparation of the annual financial statement.
- The Membership and Membership Services Committee shall be responsible for recruiting, orienting, and inducting those individuals who are eligible for membership in the Association and for those who are interested in becoming "Friends of the Emeriti;" developing and maintaining membership data; and monitoring Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University policies, practices, and procedures for awarding Emerita/Emeritus status.
- The Volunteer Services Committee shall recruit members to assist with volunteer services.
- The Emeriti Park Committee shall work with Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University in the continuing preservation and development of the Emeriti Park.
- The Benefits Committee shall be concerned with all benefits available to Association members.
- The Communication Committee shall prepare and disseminate the Association's monthly newsletter, announcing upcoming meetings, reviewing past meetings, describing Association activities, recognizing deceased members, and publishing other items of interest to members.
- The Nominations Committee shall recruit nominees for all the elected offices, prepare a ballot, and supervise the election of Board members.
- The Web Site Committee shall put the organization's materials on the Emeriti Website and maintain it as information changes.
- The Archivist/Historian Committee shall maintain the Emeriti Office and preserve all paper and electronic records therein.
- Chairs shall select members for their respective committees and be functioning by the first meeting in the Fall.
- Special Committees may be established by the Executive Board to undertake specific projects. The chairs of such committees shall report regularly to the Executive Board. The chairs of Special Committees shall be appointed by the president with the approval of the Board.
- Election and Installation of Board members:
- Yearly election of officers and Standing Committee chairs shall be held at the April meeting of the Association. The vote shall be taken from all Emeriti members in attendance. Only members may vote.
- The Nominations Committee shall recommend a slate of nominees from membership categories A1 and A2 to be nominated as officers and chairs of the Association.
- This recommended slate of nominees shall be announced to the membership for information and consideration at a meeting prior to the one at which the election is scheduled to take place. The slate of nominees also shall be announced via theEmeriti newsletter. Members shall be invited to nominate additional candidates for the various positions and given instructions for making those nominations.
- The official ballot shall consist of the nominees recommended by the Nominations Committee plus any additional nominees from the membership of the Association.
- If there are no contested positions, a voice vote shall be taken. If there are contested positions, a ballot shall be distributed, collected, and counted by the end of the meeting.
- New officers and chairs shall be installed at the June luncheon meeting.
Article V. Financial Responsibilities
The Association dues for the following business year will be set by the Executive Board at its March meeting.
Article VI. Meetings
- General Provisions:
- The members in attendance constitute a quorum for all business meetings of the Association.
- Luncheon meetings shall be held monthly from September through June.
- Special meetings of the Association, in addition to those regularly scheduled, may be called by the president with the approval of the Executive Board.
Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, is the guide for questions of procedure not otherwise stated in this Constitution. Day-to-day operations of the Association are detailed in a separate document titled Policies.
Article VII. Amendments
Proposed amendments shall be presented to the membership 30 days in advance of the regular or special meeting at which the vote will be taken. A two-thirds majority of the votes cast is required to amend the Constitution.
Article VIII. Affiliations
The Association may affiliate, upon the approval of the Executive Board, with organizations and entities, inside or outside Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University, as long as said organizations will contribute to the accomplishment of the purposes of the Association.
- The Association shall work through the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University liaison to coordinate projects and programs involving various administrative units of the University.
- The Association may invite representatives from Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University Faculty and Administrative Senates or other entities within Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University to Executive Board and regular luncheon meetings to work on common interests.
- The Association shall maintain active membership in the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Council of Higher Education Retirees (OCHER), and pay annual dues. The president and the Benefits chair or other designees will serve as representatives to OCHER.
Article IX. Emeriti Office
The University has provided an Emeriti Office on the University campus and furnished it with a table, chairs, and files. The Emeriti office may be used to conduct appropriate Association business and to store Association documents.
Article X. Provisions for Review
The Constitution shall be reviewed at intervals of no more than five years by a committee appointed by the president and approved by the Executive Board.
Prepared December 2013 for February 2014 approval by membership.