Online Master's in Computer Education and Technology Curriculum
Graduation Requirements
Complete a minimum of 30 credit hours as follows:
Required Courses
Complete the following courses for a total of 29 hours:
- EDCT 6012 - Teaching and Learning Online
- EDCT 6030 - Principles of Instructional Design
- EDCT 6031 - Advanced Topics in Instructional Design
- EDCT 6042 - Leadership and Professional Development in Technology
- EDCT 6051 - Multimedia Tools in Education
- EDCT 6052 - Assessment and Evaluation in Technology-Rich Classrooms
- EDCT 6901 - Workshop in Computer Education: Special Topics
- EDCT 6910 - Computer Education and Technology Clinical Practice: Theory into Practice
Capstone Course Requirement
Take 1 hour from among these courses:
- EDCT 6122 - Masters Portfolio in Computer Education and Technology
- EDCT 6913 - Master’s Research Project
- EDCT 6950 - Thesis
Culminating Experience
In the final course, students will complete a capstone project consisting of a portfolio, action research, or thesis.