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DSPH Promotion and Tenure Guidelines


Promotion and Tenure Review

Promotion and Tenure Committee

  1. Committee Composition
  2. Responsibilities of the Committee Related to Promotion and Tenure
  3. Guideline revision procedures

Tenure Track Faculty

  1. Eligibility for Promotion and Tenure
    1. Assistant Professor to Associate Professor
    2. Associate Professor to Professor
  2. Tenure
  3. Evaluative Criteria for Tenure Track Faculty
    1. Teaching, Advising, and Mentoring
    2. Research and Scholarly Accomplishments
    3. Service
  4. External Review

Instructional and Clinical Faculty

  1. Eligibility for Promotion
  2. Promotion
    1. Instructor to Assistant Professor of Instruction
    2. Assistant Professor of Instruction to Associate Professor of Instruction AND Assistant Clinical Professor to Associate Clinical Professor
    3. Associate Professor of Instruction to Professor of Instruction AND Associate Clinical Professor to Clinical Professor
  3. Evaluative Criteria for Instructional and Clinical Faculty
    1. Teaching, Advising, and Mentoring
    2. Clinical activities and benchmarks
    3. Service

Procedures and timeline

  1. Mid-probationary review
  2. Early promotion
  3. Timeline and schedule for promotion and tenure and mid-probationary review
  4. Appeal process

Annual Faculty Evaluation Procedures

Attachment A: Teaching Portfolio

This document has been submitted to and approved by the faculty of the Department of Social and Public Health on April 25, 2022. Approved: April 25, 2022