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Earth and Environmental Geosciences Faculty Research Areas

Katherine Fornash

Petrology and Geochemistry

  • Metamorphic Petrology
  • Geochemistry
  • Geochronology
  • Convergent Margin Tectonics

Eung Seok Lee


  • Contaminant hydrogeology
  • Environmental isotope hydrology
  • Carbonate-rock hydrogeology

Keith Milam

Planetary Geology

  • Geology of Mars
  • Impact Cratering
  • Remote Sensing

Gregory S. Springer

Fluvial and Karst Geomorphology

  • Paleoclimate
  • Geoarchaeology
  • Paleoflood hydrology
  • Geomorphic response to climate change
  • Bedrock rivers and erosion

Research Areas by Topic

Environmental Geology

Petrology, mineralogy, and tectonics