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Chemistry students in forensics lab
Chemistry & Biochemistry Department

Chemistry & Biochemistry Department

Studying Chemistry & Biochemistry gives students first-hand experiences central to success in careers in medicine, pharmaceutical and high-tech industries, research, government, law, business, public affairs, and more.

We actively engage learners, make innovative discoveries, and develop 21st century leaders in the molecular sciences to meet society’s needs in diverse sectors including health, energy, and sustainability.

The Bachelor of Science in Chemistry degree is accredited by the American Chemical Society.
The Forensic Chemistry degree is accredited by the Forensic Sciences Education Programs Accreditation Commission.
Research groups hosting undergraduate students in their labs
Patents created by chemistry faculty in the past seven years
Ph.D.s awarded since 1959

Making Discoveries, from Nanomaterials to Drug Discovery

Our faculty and students pursue state-of-the-art research on 21st-century problems, including pandemics, energy, cancer, biotesting, rare earth molecules, and more.

Reflecting the breadth and depth of chemistry as the central science, research in the department spans cross-cutting themes and core clusters.

About Our Research

Physical Chemistry lab with lasers
Organic Chemistry molecule
Cucurbit[8]uril macrocycle
Emily Fairchild in Dr. Jennifer Hines' lab

Careers with a Chemistry Degree

Our graduates are employed in environmental, pharmaceutical and other chemical sciences companies throughout the country. Jobs held by recent graduates include applications lab technician, attorney, associate chemist, auditor, chemist, research and discovery chemist, chemistry and physics teacher, criminalist, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, drug analyst, environmental engineer, pharmacist, physician, QA process chemist, and technology transfer manager.

A large number of graduates go on to take advanced degrees in all areas of chemistry and biochemistry.

Chemistry Careers & Internships

Demi Reed in the lab

Alumni Engagement & Giving Opportunities

Alumni involvement drives innovation and impact in the Chemistry Department for both students and faculty. Explore the areas of highest need for our department, including supporting students, experiential learning and capital and equipment support.

Chemistry Giving Opportunities

Dustin Starkey

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