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Waitlist Management

Waitlist Management

Once all parking permits have been claimed individuals have the option to join a waitlist for a lot or permit type of interest. Individuals have the ability to be on the waiting list for one permit type at any given time. Permits become available to those on the waiting list as they are returned by other users or if more would become available for some reason. At the time of joining a waitlist the individual will be given a number for their position in line for the next available permit. Once you have joined the virtual line your position is secured and will lower as permits are claimed or other individuals leave the waiting list for that particular permit. 

Please follow the below steps if you would like to add yourself to a waitlist for a campus parking permit. You will need your OHIO ID and password and current vehicle information to complete this process. 

  1. Access the Parking Portal from the Transportation & Parking Services home page or the directly. 
  2. Log in using your OHIO ID and password. Do not use the @ohio.edu portion of your OHIO ID. 
  3. Once logged in, scroll to the bottom right of the page and click on the grey button that says 'Add/Edit Waitlists'.
  4. Waitlist terms and conditions will be presented, please read and select 'Next'.
  5. Verify your current address and phone number, select 'Next'.
  6. Update your current vehicle information, select 'Next'.
  7. A list of waitlist options will appear for which are available. Select the 'Add' button on the right-hand side for the lot/permit type currently accepting waitlist requests. You may only select one waitlist. 
  8. The waitlist you choose will appear under a new section called 'Your Current Saved Waitlist Selections'. You may also remove yourself from any selected waitlist at this time by clicking the 'Delete' button on the right-hand side. This will also indicate the waitlist position you are currently ranked. 
  9. Select 'Done' and you will receive a Waitlist Receipt message showing the parking lot/permit type you have selected and your waitlist position. 

There is no guarantee on the rate at which permits are awarded from the waitlist as this is dependent upon the return of permits.

If you have any questions or concerns about the waitlist process please contact the Transportation & Parking Services Customer Care Center at 740-593-1917 or tps@ohio.edu