Students laugh while playing videogames
Scripps College of Communication

Scripps College of Communication Learning Communities

What to Expect

As part of a Scripps College of Communication Learning Community, you'll have the opportunity to connect with other students who share the same academic interests. You'll not only receive support from faculty and Learning Community Leaders, but you'll forge connections that extend beyond the classroom.

Class Schedules

As part of your Learning Community, you'll take clustered classes. Taking two or more classes with members of your Learning Community ensures you'll know a few friendly faces and have a built-in study group.

Communication Studies

AUC 1900 SEM, Learning Community Seminar1 
ACOMS 1030 LEC,  Public Speaking3BDP; BER; BSL
ACOMS 1100 LEC, Communication Among Cultures3FIE
AMUS 1240 LEC, History of Rock Music 13PHA
BUC 1900 SEM, Learning Community Seminar1 
BCOMS 1030 LEC,  Public Speaking3BDP; BER; BSL
BCOMS 1100 LEC, Communication Among Cultures3FIE
BPHIL 1300 LEC, Introduction to Ethics3PHTC
CUC 1900 SEM, Learning Community Seminar1 
CCOMS 1030 LEC,  Public Speaking3BDP; BER; BSL
CCOMS 1100 LEC, Communication Among Cultures3FIE
CPBIO 1000 LEC, Plants & Global Environment3PNS

Information and Telecommunication Systems

AUC 1900 SEM, Learning Community Seminar1 
ACOMS 1030 LEC,  Public Speaking3BDP; BER; BSL
AITS 2300 LEC, Data Networking4 
AITS 2300 LAB, Data Networking0 


AUC 1900 SEM, Learning Community Seminar1 
AANTH 1010 LEC, Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3ACNW; FIE
AJOUR 1010 LEC/DISC, The Future of Media3 
AJOUR 1330 LEC, Precision Language3 
BUC 1900 SEM, Learning Community Seminar1 
BJOUR 1010 LEC/DISC, The Future of Media3 
BJOUR 1330 LEC, Precision Language3 
BSOC 1000 LEC, Introduction to Sociology3PSBS
CUC 1900 SEM, Learning Community Seminar1 
CJOUR 1010 LEC/DISC, The Future of Media3 
CJOUR 1330 LEC, Precision Language3 
CWGSS 1000 LEC, Intro Women's Gender Sexuality3PSBS
DUC 1900 SEM, Learning Community Seminar1 
DJOUR 1010 LEC/DISC, The Future of Media3 
DJOUR 1330 LEC, Precision Language3 
DPBIO 1030 LEC, Plants and People3PNS
EUC 1900 SEM, Learning Community Seminar1 
EJOUR 1010 LEC/DISC, The Future of Media3 
EJOUR 2500 LEC, Advertising and PR3 
EHIST 2000 LEC/DISC, United States 1600-18773PSBS
FUC 1900 SEM, Learning Community Seminar1 
FJOUR 1010 LEC/DISC, The Future of Media3 
FJOUR 2500 LEC, Advertising and PR3 
FPSY 1010 LEC, General Psychology3PSBS

Media Arts & Studies

AUC 1900 SEM, Learning Community Seminar1 
ACOMS 1100 LEC, Communication Among Cultures3FIE
AMDIA 1010 LEC, The Evolution of Media3 
APBIO 1000 LEC, Plants & Global Environment3PNS
BUC 1900 SEM, Learning Community Seminar1 
BIART 1170 LEC, Introduction to Arts: Arts in Contexts3PHA
BMDIA 1010 LEC, The Evolution of Media3 
BPOLS 1500 LEC, Themes in Global Politics3PSBS
CUC 1900 SEM, Learning Community Seminar1 
CCOMS 1100 LEC, Communication Among Cultures3FIE
CFILM 2020 LEC/DISC, Film Analysis3PHA
CMDIA 1010 LEC, The Evolution of Media3 
DUC 1900 SEM, Learning Community Seminar1 
DCOMS 1100 LEC, Communication Among Cultures3FIE
DECT 1210 LEC/LAB, Understanding Virtual Reality Technology4BER
DMDIA 1010 LEC, The Evolution of Media3 
EUC 1900 SEM, Learning Community Seminar1 
EMDIA 1010 LEC, The Evolution of Media3 
EMDIA 2113 LEC, Social Media Introduction3 
ESOC 1000 LEC, Introduction to Sociology3PSBS
FUC 1900 SEM, Learning Community Seminar1 
FECT 1210 LEC/LAB, Understanding Virtual Reality Technology4BER
FHIST 1330 LEC/DISC,  World History Since 17503FIE; PSBS
FMDIA 1010 LEC, The Evolution of Media3 

Virtual Reality and Game Development

AUC 1900 SEM, Learning Community Seminar1 
AECT 1210 LEC/LAB Understanding VR Technology4BER
AECT 1700 LEC, Prototyping for VR & Games3 
AECT 1710 LAB, Digital Tools for VR & Games2 

Visual Communication

AUC 1900 SEM, Learning Community Seminar1 
ASOC 1000 LEC, Introduction to Sociology3PSBS
AVICO 1000 LEC, Introduction to Studies in Visual Communication3 
AVICO 1414 LEC/LAB, Introduction to Visual Communications Design3 
AVICO 1421 LEC/LAB, Introduction to Visual Communications Photography3 

Visual Communication - Graphic Design

AUC 1900 SEM, Learning Community Seminar1 
AAH 2130 LEC/DISC, From Gutenberg to Google: Global Art +Design II4ACSW; BDP
AVICO 1000 LEC, Intro to Studies in Visual Communication3 
AVICO 1414 LEC/LAB, Intro to Visual Communication Design3 
BUC 1900 SEM, Learning Community Seminar1 
BVICO 1000 LEC, Intro to Studies in Visual Communication3 
BVICO 1414 LEC/LAB, Intro to Visual Communication Design3 
CUC 1900 SEM, Learning Community Seminar1 
CVICO 1000 LEC, Intro to Studies in Visual Communication3 
CVICO 1414 LEC/LAB, Intro to Visual Communication Design3 


Previous Scripps College of Communication Learning Community groups have participated in activities such as: