Organizational Misconduct

Student groups and organizations are also bound by the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct. Should allegations arise against a student group or organization, the president, chair, captain, or other leader of the group will be expected to represent the group or organization throughout the Community Standards Process. When appropriate for the situation, Community Standards and Student Responsibility will take steps to investigate the matter before issuing charges, if any, against the organization. If student safety is a concern during the investigation and resolution process, Community Standards and Student Responsibility may put interim measures into place during that time, including a provision that the group or organization cease & desist all activity until the process is complete or they are otherwise given permission to resume activity.

Community Standards and Student Responsibility partners with local and regional advisors as well as national organizations whenever possible. Occasionally, there may be times where our internal investigation may limit the amount of information we can share with those entities while the matter is being investigated. As soon as the office is able to share appropriate information with those entities, we will do so. If you, your advisor, or anyone else has any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at communitystandards@ohio.edu or (740)593-2629.