Medical Emergency Assistance Program

The Medical Emergency Assistance Program (MEA) protocol is part of Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University’s comprehensive environmental approach to address high-risk behaviors. Because the health and safety of the members of the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University is of primary concern, Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University wants to remove the perceived barriers that prevent students from seeking immediate medical attention. This program has been designed for the student who is concerned for the well-being of a fellow student. MEA enables Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University to more effectively address the issue of civility and good citizenship with our students. Students are encouraged to come to the aid of fellow students who are suffering a medical emergency.


Does this mean that Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University encourages high-risk drinking?

No. Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University recognizes that students sometimes make high-risk choices about the use of alcohol and other drugs. If a medical emergency is the result of the high-risk choice, the university wants the student to get the required medical attention without fear of getting in trouble with the university’s student conduct system.

What does MEA provide?

MEA allows a student experiencing an alcohol or other drug overdose to receive medical attention without a Student Code of Conduct violation. It would also remove Student Code of Conduct violations for those who assisted the student in need if they had been drinking as well.

Which violations does MEA cover?
  • D3a - Underage or unauthorized possession or use of alcohol
  • D3d - Misconduct under the influence of alcohol (public intoxication & disorderly conduct by intoxication only)
  • D4a  - Unlawful use or possession of marijuana*
  • D4b - Unlawful use or possession of other controlled substances*
  • D4c - Possession or use of drug-related paraphernalia*
  • D4f - Intentional or reckless inhalation or ingestion of a mind-altering substance*
  • D4g - Misconduct under the influence of a controlled substance

* applies to personal use only

How does MEA relate to the Student Code of Conduct?

MEA applies only to alcohol and other drug medical emergencies but does not apply to other prohibited conduct such as assault, property damage and distribution of illicit substances. If other prohibited conduct occurs the student will be held responsible for those violations.

Does MEA provide protection from any legal consequences?

No. MEA will not provide protection from legal consequences of underage/excessive drinking, illegal drug use and the misuse of prescription drugs.

Who decides if a student is covered by MEA?

The Director of the Office of Community Standards (or designee) will decide whether or not a student is covered by MEA in lieu of facing formal university disciplinary action. If a student is offered admittance into the MEA program and declines, they will go through the standard Student Conduct Process and their opportunity to participate in MEA will be forfeited.

What are the stipulations?

The Director of Community Standards and Student Responsibility (or designee) will allow MEA to cover a student when the student:

  • has emergency medical assistance solicited on their behalf as a result of an episode of alcohol or other drug abuse
  • accepts responsibility for their drug and/or alcohol consumption
  • has not previously been covered by MEA
  • has called to assist a fellow student in need of medical attention
How many times can MEA be used?

Once. Additionally, MEA will typically only apply to students for whom this is their first drug or alcohol violation. However, at the discretion of the Director (or designee), MEA may be granted to students on a second alcohol violation, provided that they have not previously participated in MEA. Students calling for help or assisting in a high-risk situation, even if they are in violation of an alcohol or drug policy, may use MEA multiple times.

If MEA is granted will the student have any responsibility?

Yes. In order to successfully complete MEA, students must do the following, within the deadline given:

  1. Comply with any and all recommendations for educational interventions
  2. Complete BASICS or an off-campus alcohol or drug assessment
  3. Pay a $100 fee to cover the cost of the appropriate alcohol or other drug intervention program
  4. Write a reflection paper as assigned by CSSR
Are a student’s parents notified when a student participates in the MEA program?

Yes. Here at OHIO, we know how influential parents are on students’ decision-making. It’s important to us to partner with parents in order to provide multiple levels of support for students completing the MEA program.

What happens if the student fails to complete the intervention?

Students who fail to successfully complete MEA will face university student conduct charges for the incident that prompted their admission to the program, in addition to a charge of failure to comply.