Undergraduate Career Path: Organizational Communication

Communication is a defining feature of organizations. Organizational communication is the study of how individuals construct and exchange messages to enable goal-oriented activity and cope with uncertainty. Coursework adopts a communication approach to exploring organizational structures, interpersonal relationships, power and control, leadership, organizational socialization, and diversity at work.

  • How are organizational cultures created, maintained, and changed through communication? 
  • How do emergent technologies shape how people organize to reach individual and collective goals? 
  • What is the role of communication in managing and negotiating relational conflicts in the workplace? 
  • What roles does communication play in developing and enacting leadership in ways that affect change, decision-making, and organizational outcomes? 
  • In what ways does communication facilitate organizational socialization? 
  • How are organizational missions and strategic visions communicated to internal and external stakeholders? 
  • How do environmental, economic, and regulatory forces impact organizational communication practices?

Recent graduates are employed in major consulting firms, national financial service providers, conference planning companies, and information management organizations. 

Career Pathways:

Public Relations, Sales & Marketing

You might consider a career in Public Relations, Sales, and Marketing if you find these questions compelling:

  • How are organizational missions and strategic visions communicated to internal and external stakeholders?
  •  In what ways can companies use persuasive messages to establish a strong external image and organizational identity? 
  • How do companies draw on emergent technologies to effectively address brand management and organizational crisis? 
  • In what ways do sales people use communication strategies to pitch their ideas effectively? 
  • What role does communication play in developing, testing, marketing, and selling new products or services?

COMS Curriculum (Suggested COMS Theory and Elective Courses)

Courses listed are only suggestions. Students should consult the COMS Major Checklist for an exhaustive overview of major requirements and to identify requisite requirements.

  • COMS 2020 Persuasion
  • COMS 2040 Techniques of Interviewing
  • COMS 2400 Information Diffusion
  • COMS 3060 Interpersonal Conflict Management
  • COMS 3200 Communication & New Technology

Human Resource Management

You might consider a career in Human Resource Management if you find these questions compelling:

  • How are organizational cultures created, maintained, and changed through communication?
  • What is the role of communication in managing relational conflicts in the workplace?
  • How does communication help facilitate successful organizational change initiatives (e.g., mergers, acquisitions, corporate restructuring, downsizing, etc.)? 
  • How do companies successfully recruit, socialize, and retain talented employees? 
  • In what ways do communication professionals ensure equity in their organizations?

COMS Curriculum (Suggested COMS Theory and Elective Courses)

Courses listed are only suggestions. Students should consult the COMS Major Checklist for an exhaustive overview of major requirements and to identify requisite requirements.

  • COMS 2040 Techniques of Interviewing
  • COMS 3060 Interpersonal Conflict Management
  • COMS 3200 Communication & New Technology

Event Planning

You might consider a career in Event Planning if you find these questions compelling:

  • How do individuals communicatively manage the delicate balance between clients and vendors? 
  • In what ways do communication skills contribute to the development of an entrepreneurial business? 
  • How do communication professionals facilitate effective communication amongst stakeholders with various divergent needs? 
  • In what ways do individuals use communication strategies to advocate for their clients?

COMS Curriculum (Suggested COMS Theory and Elective Courses)

Courses listed are only suggestions. Students should consult the COMS Major Checklist for an exhaustive overview of major requirements and to identify requisite requirements.

  • COMS 2020 Communication & Persuasion
  • COMS 2040 Techniques of Interviewing
  • COMS 3060 Interpersonal Conflict Management
  • COMS 3200 Communication & New Technology

Nonprofit Organizing

You might consider a career in Nonprofit Organizing if you find these questions compelling:

  • How can communication practitioners contribute to the missions, visions, and goals of nonprofit organizations? 
  • How do communication specialists facilitate dialogue to promote social goods, democratic practices, collective actions, equity, and inclusion? 
  • What is the role of storytelling in nonprofit organizing? 
  • What communication challenges do volunteers and paid staff of nonprofit organizations face when advocating for social change?

COMS Curriculum (Suggested COMS Theory and Elective Courses)

Courses listed are only suggestions. Students should consult the COMS Major Checklist for an exhaustive overview of major requirements and to identify requisite requirements.

  • COMS 2020 Communication & Persuasion
  • COMS 2400 Information Diffusion
  • COMS 3060 Interpersonal Conflict Management
  • COMS 3200 Communication & New Technology

Social Media & Emerging Technologies

You might consider a career in Social Media & Emerging Technologies if you find these questions compelling:

  • How do social media shape how people organize to reach individual and collective goals? 
  • How do companies respond to organizational crisis using social media such as Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook? 
  • In what ways do organizations use social media to develop and maintain their organizational identity, brand, and image?

COMS Curriculum (Suggested COMS Theory and Elective Courses)

Courses listed are only suggestions. Students should consult the COMS Major Checklist for an exhaustive overview of major requirements and to identify requisite requirements.

  • COMS 2020 Communication & Persuasion
  • COMS 2040 Techniques of Interviewing
  • COMS 2400 Information Diffusion
  • COMS 3060 Interpersonal Conflict Management
  • COMS 3200 Communication & New Technology

Consulting (Domestic & International)

You might consider a career in Consulting if you find these questions compelling:

  • How do communication specialists manage, facilitate, and orchestrate communication messages and processes to meet the needs of their client organizations? 
  • What role does power play in distribution of resources to various stakeholders? 
  • How can communication practitioners appropriately and effectively perform in the contexts of international/multinational organizations?

COMS Curriculum (Suggested COMS Theory and Elective Courses)

Courses listed are only suggestions. Students should consult the COMS Major Checklist for an exhaustive overview of major requirements and to identify requisite requirements.

  • COMS 2040 Techniques of Interviewing
  • COMS 2400 Information Diffusion
  • COMS 3060 Interpersonal Conflict Management
  • COMS 3200 Communication & New Technology