ORSP E-Mail Distribution List

ORSP has established an e-mail distribution list that will be used to provide new and updated information regarding sponsored project requirements and activities, new and updated sponsored program procedures, updates on the transition of LEO to a new system, and serve as a place to connect with questions you may have as you are processing a proposal or costs on an award.   The list email address is ORSPINFO@ohio.edu.   Individuals will need to join the list if interested.  You will also be able to leave the list if it no longer serves your purposes. 

If you are interested in joining, you'll need to log into catmail, click on the Settings Cog->View all Outlook Settings->General->Distribution Groups.  Under Distribution Groups I Belong To: 

Select Join.  In the dialog box, search for ORSP Info. You can search for a group by typing all or part of its name in the search window, and then selecting the search icon. To clear the search results, select Clear.

Select ORSP Info. Select Join.

As a member of the list, you will be able to receive, send, and forward messages.  If you know of others who may be interested in joining this list that are not on this email, please forward this information.  All, including interested PI's, are welcome.