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91.002: Computer Services Forms




September 1, 2002

Initiated by:

David Fritchley | Director of Computer Services

Reviewed by:

Nancy Prichard Crist | Chair, Policy and Procedure Review Committee

Endorsed by:

Douglas Mann | Associate Provost for Information Technology

Approved by:

Stephen Kopp | Provost

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. Purpose

    This policy is intended to ensure reliable functioning of hardware and software, and to ensure timely provision of data entry, test scoring, label printing, and other services.

  2. Policy

    All forms which are used as input to, or output from, the Computer Services computers must be reviewed and approved by the Computer Services Production Control Manager before ordering from suppliers. This policy applies to both new form orders and to reorders even though there may be no changes in format.

    Review by Computer Services is necessary in order that programming requirements and operating requirements of the high speed printer are considered; i.e., weight of paper stock, type of perforations, method of attaching multiple part forms (crimp, glue, etc.), type and size of carbon, standard sizes of paper stock, conformity of layout with programs, vendor reliability for special forms, etc.

  3. Procedures

    Using departments should determine the type of form required, purpose of form, data needed, approximate size, number of copies required, and prepare a draft copy of the form layout. (The Production Control Manager may offer assistance in the development if desired.) A meeting should be arranged with the Production Control Manager for review.

    The Production Control Manager will review the forms specifications with systems, programming, and operations areas and resolve any potential problems or discrepancies. The Production Control Manager will prepare a final copy of the form layout and list the ordering specifications.

    A purchase requisition should be processed by the ordering department with five (5) copies of the final form layout and specifications attached. Three months lead time in ordering is necessary to allow for bidding and proofs.

    Printer's proofs should be reviewed by the Production Control Manager and the ordering department before giving final approval to the printer.

    When forms are delivered, the Production Control Manager will arrange for test runs on the computer and will review the tests with the ordering department.

    The Production Control Manager will maintain a history file of forms and a record of all problems with each form and with each supplier.

    The Computer Services Production Control Manager office is located in the Computer Services Center and may be contacted by calling Computer Services' Frontline (597-8000) and asking for the Production Control Manager.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. Policy and Procedure Review Committee

  2. Vice President for Administration