03.002: Distribution of the Ethics Bill
October 1, 1987
Issued by J. Burns
To outline the general procedures for the implementation of section 102.09 of the Ethics Bill requiring all new employees to be given a copy of Chapter 102 and 2921 of the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Revised Code.
The University Personnel Services office
University Personnel Services will provide all new contract and classified employees on the Athens campus, and all contract employees on the branch campuses, with the required material by enclosing it with the insurance material and/or W-4 form forwarded to them at the beginning of their employment. Also, University Personnel Services will provide the branch campus directors with the material to be included with the insurance materials for all full-time classified employees and part-time contractual employees at the branch campuses. University Personnel Services will have a receipt to be signed by the above employees indicating that they have received the materials provided them, and the University Personnel Services office will keep a master log on all employees given the materials, including those paid by requisition as notified by the Controller's office.
The Controller's office
The Controller's office will have the responsibility to enclose the required materials and a signature card to be returned with all graduate student contracts and keep a log of all graduate students who are under a graduate student contract. Also, this office will be responsible for ensuring that the required materials are attached to all W-4 forms forwarded to university departments (primarily workshops, conferences and continuing education, and the branch campuses) who hire new employees to be paid by requisition, and that department chairmen or directors give these materials to such new employees by requiring a receipt to be signed by them and to be returned along with their W-4 forms. Once the signed receipts are obtained, a listing will be forwarded to university Personnel Services for addition to their log.
The Office of Student Financial Aid
The Office of Student Financial Aid will have the responsibility of assuring that all undergraduate student employees are provided a copy of the materials. This will be accomplished by all work-study students being given the materials when receiving their assignments. For other student employees, the materials will be attached to the payroll authorization card that each student employee completes. This office will be responsible for ensuring that the employing units fulfill this responsibility. These employing units will include departments on the Athens and branch campuses. e completed payroll authorization card will act as a receipt of the materials.
Office of Regional Higher Education
With the supervision of the Vice Provost's office for Regional Higher Education, each branch campus director will have the responsibility to ensure that the employee on the campus will properly receive these materials. The director will receive the materials from University Personnel Services with the insurance and/or W-4 forms for all full-time and part-time classified employees. The Controller's office will provide the materials for all employees paid by requisition with the W-4 forms, and the Office of Student Financial Aid will provide materials for all student employees with their payroll authorization card. It will be the director's responsibility to ensure that the materials are properly presented to the employees, and that all forms are signed and returned to the proper offices.
The Office of Legal Affairs
The Office of Legal Affairs will be responsible for ensuring that the materials are up-to-date in conformance with section 102.09 and that each participating office has a sufficient inventory of materials to be provided by the Office of Legal Affairs. Further, this office will act in an advisory capacity to ensure that these procedures are properly implemented.