International Flags
International Flags Request

International Flag Request

students carrying flags of many nations
The Office of Global Affairs maintains OHIO's collection of International Flags, which are available to the university community to borrow for events and engagements. 
Flag Sizes:

Small flags : ~0'6"x0'4" on a 10" pole. Each flag will be in brown 11x8 envelopes and must be returned in the marked envelope. Small stands are available.
Medium flags : ~2'0"x3'0" and will be checked out in clear zip-lock bags and must be returned in the designated zip-lock bag. Hand-held 4'0" long poles are available. 
Large flags : ~3'0"x5'0" and will be folded and placed in a storage bin or tote when checked out and must be returned as received. Global Affairs does not store poles for this flag size. Contact Facilities to rent poles. 

Request Timeline: 

Flag requests must be submitted at least five (5) business days before the requested pick-up date. 


Please note that flags may not be available during university-wide global/ international events, such as Homecoming (October), International Education Week (mid-November), or International Week (early April). Global Affairs will be in touch if there are any conflicts impacting our ability to fulfill your request.