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Josh Antonuccio

Josh Antonuccio named director of School of Media Arts & Studies

The ĢƵ University Scripps College of Communication has announced that Josh Antonuccio has been named the director of the School of Media Arts & Studies.

Fogt South Pole

ĢƵ University professor Ryan Fogt, alum Kyle Clem publish paper on record warming of the South Pole

The South Pole has been warming at more than three times the global average over the past 30 years, according to research led by ĢƵ University professor Ryan Fogt and OHIO alumnus Kyle Clem.

Start By Believing Sivy

OHIO’s ‘Start By Believing: The Power of a Survivor-Centered Process’ documentary wins Telly Award

ĢƵ University’s “Start By Believing: The Power of a Survivor-Centered Process” documentary was the bronze winner in the general, non-broadcast category at the 2020 Telly Awards.

We Are First on poster

ĢƵ University receives national honor for commitment to first-gen student success

ĢƵ University has been designated a First-gen Forward Advisory Institution by the Center for First-generation Student Success, an initiative of NASPA and The Suder Foundation.

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Fall planning town hall follow-up

Thank you for your interest in the Fall Planning Forum this morning.

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Faculty alternative teaching arrangements survey

This email contains information for faculty, staff, and graduate students with teaching obligations to request alternative teaching arrangements for fall 2020.

Carlin Stiehl

The soul within

Since 2007, this annual project in the School of Visual Communication—a combined experience of VICO 3921, Synthesis Storytelling for Visual Communication, and VICO 4188, Interactive Capstone: Advanced Interactive Media—has served as a way for students with different skillsets to experiment with various forms of storytelling and learn how to problem solve on the fly.

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A resource for recovery

Small businesses, the economic backbone of southeastern ĢƵ communities, were immediately threatened in the early days of the pandemic. Where did they turn for help?

HCOM Convocation 2021

Aid in action

For OHIO’s medical and nursing students and recent graduates, the COVID-19 crisis has provided an up-close look at real-life crisis response—and the chance to contribute in a powerful way.

Bringing Bobcats back

Bringing Bobcats back, June 26, 2020

Bobcats will be returning to campus this fall. Of course, next semester – as this whole year has been – will be new territory for all of us.

Charlotte Caldwell

OHIO journalism student ranks nationally in awards competition

A journalism student’s column about a campus newspaper’s editorial received national recognition in the Mark of Excellence awards sponsored by the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ).

Vernon Alden

ĢƵ University mourns the death of former president Vernon Alden

ĢƵ University mourns the passing of President Emeritus Vernon Roger Alden, who died in Boston on Monday, June 22, 2020, at the age of 97.

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Middle school students shine at OHIO’s virtual science fair, showcase local watershed research

Three area middle school students won ĢƵ University’s Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs Watershed Science Award at the 2020 virtual ĢƵ Academy of Science District 12 Science Day.

Student Studying at Library

University Libraries announces phases of safe reopening process

The ĢƵ University Libraries began its first phase of reopening on June 22.

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Employees invited to virtual town hall meeting to answer questions about returning to campus this fall

ĢƵ University faculty and staff are invited to a virtual town hall meeting at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, June 30, to learn about the University’s plans for bringing employees and students back to campus in

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