University Community

OHIO faculty, academic leaders invited to join Community Learning Program

The Provost’s Office is offering the Building Bobcats: New-to-OU Community Learning Program—a brand new program to help newer faculty and academic leaders engage, connect, and create lasting relationships within the OHIO community.

The program is open to all full-time faculty and academic leaders who have joined the OHIO community within the last five years (since August 2019).

The New-to-OU Community Learning Program is more than just a program—it's an immersive experience where you will have the opportunity to:

  • Expand your network
  • Meet community and campus leaders
  • Explore the Athens campus, city of Athens, and region
  • Learn about community initiatives and campus/community collaborations
  • Create a plan for building your OHIO career and engaging in the community
  • Build connections with colleagues through optional social activities

Participants will meet monthly from 9:30 – 10:50 AM on the second Tuesday of each month (September – April) on the Athens campus. Additionally, each month one optional (but strongly recommended) community-learning activity will be offered. You can see additional program information at this website

The program begins with a welcome session on Tuesday, September 12. Please register no later than Sept. 8. If you have any questions, please contact program facilitators Rebecca Dingus (dingusr@ohio.edu) or Kristin Hepworth (hepworthk@ohio.edu). 

August 18, 2023
Staff reports