
Mechanical engineering senior makes the most of the Bobcat experience

When it comes to experiential learning opportunities, senior Cassidy Serger has made the most of her Bobcat experience. 

Serger, from Milford, ĢƵ, is a mechanical engineering major in the Russ College of Engineering and Technology and a Russ Legacy Cutler Scholar. From student organizations to studying abroad, Serger has jumped at every opportunity she could. 

For the past two summers, Serger has had an internship with major businesses, including Ariel Corporation in 2021, which manufactures gas compression equipment, as well as Hexcel Corporation in 2022, an aerospace company focusing on structural materials. 

While interning at Ariel, Serger conducted data analysis in building models for vibration and helped set up bench tests. 

“They gave me a lot of hands-on experiences and practical understanding of a lot of the tools and software that I would be learning about in my classes later on,” she said. 

At Hexcel, Serger looked at handling hazardous material, making sure drawings were up-to-date so that machine updates were shared out correctly. She was also involved with the water treatment program. 

“That was really rewarding, being so heavily involved in the safety of composite material,” she said. “I also got to see permits that detailed how much waste is allowed to be in the water, so seeing the literal process of how they maintain water compliant was really interesting.” 

Serger found out about both opportunities through her ĢƵ University connections – one through the Russ College Career Fair and the other from attending a (SWE) Conference, which she was able to attend by being a part of OHIO’s SWE chapter.

“I’m heavily involved with the Society of Women Engineers,” said Serger, who is vice president of the OHIO chapter. “We’re just looking to advocate for success for underrepresented genders in engineering. We do a lot of networking and professional development, as well as mental health and bonding exercises.” 

On campus, Serger is a member of Tau Beta Pi, the engineering honor society, as well as a member of Experiential Learning Student Advisory Board. The board has students from all OHIO colleges, regional campuses and OHIO Online communities, with the goal of sharing diverse perspectives about experiential education. 

In addition to gaining hands-on experience with large corporations and connecting with fellow Bobcats in student organizations, Serger had the opportunity to study abroad in the spring of 2022 at the University of Limerick in Ireland. While there, she took a couple engineering classes as well as a fine art course.  

“It was very cool to be able to take engineering classes abroad, to see what applications they were using them for because of the different manufacturing areas they focus on over there,” Serger said. “It was interesting to see a different focus of engineering and different real-world applications and how that affected the class.” 

While in Ireland, she had the opportunity to stay in student housing, getting to meet other study abroad students and students from Ireland. Serger expressed gratitude for the opportunity, which was a part of her Cutler Scholars experience. 

When asked what advice she would give students looking for experiential learning opportunities, Serger expressed for students to make connections and not be afraid to try things outside of their respective colleges. 

“Connect with advisors and fellow students. They can be a good gateway to opportunities,” Serger said. “Also, do things that maybe you wouldn’t normally do. For example, the experiential learning board isn’t really housed in the engineering college but through that, I have been able to meet new people and be involved in really cool projects I would not have been otherwise.” 

When it comes to selecting an opportunity, Serger acknowledges it can feel overwhelming. But she encourages fellow students to focus on what works best for them. “You don’t have to do everything. It’s okay to make time for yourself, take a step back and prioritize what you want to do,” she said. 

After she graduates this spring, Serger will attend law school at the University of Cincinnati. 

Serger is grateful for all of the opportunities she’s had at OHIO, as well that she chose to attend four years ago. 

“[When looking at colleges], I really liked that OHIO had a smaller class size model but was still a large campus. OHIO has a lot to offer,” she said. “I’m so grateful that I came here. The OHIO community is amazing, and every year the campus just gets prettier.” 

Through all her experiential learning activities, Serger is prepared to continue learning after she graduates this spring. Learn more about experiences being offered at OHIO at ohio.edu/experience-ohio.

April 7, 2023
Jalyn Bolyard