The 1972 “,” conducted by Beverly Jones, BSJ ’69, MBA ’75, led to increased Title IX funding for women’s athletics and the re-admittance of women to the marching band.
Alongside their monumental contributions, Bobcat women have also consistently surpassed their male counterparts in terms of enrollment since 1988-89.
The Margaret Boyd Scholars Program is another testament to Boyd’s legacy. Scholars are provided with opportunities for mentorship, academic advancement, community engagement and networking. Alumni can donate to give their support to the program.
Women are still shaping and changing the landscape of OHIO. In 2019, OHIO hired its first female athletic director, Julie Cromer. The student, faculty and administrative senates are currently led by women.
“Being the first does not come easy, but strength lies in our opportunity for positive exponential impact,” says Dayna Shoulders, BBA ’23, OHIO’s current student senate president. “The success of young OHIO women reminds our community to reflect on the historic importance of celebrating diversity in positions of power and the innovation it brings.”
Archival images Courtesy of the Mahn Center for Archives & Special Collections