University Community

CTLA accepting proposals for spring 2023 Faculty Learning Communities

The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment is accepting proposals for spring 2023 Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs).

Full-time faculty (instructional, tenure-track and clinical), as well as staff dedicated to leading instructional support and with pedagogical expertise, are invited to with a deadline of 5 p.m., Friday, Nov. 11, for an FLC that will launch in January or February of 2023. CTLA provides small stipends for facilitators and FLC completing participants and is able to fund up to two FLCs each semester.

FLCs provide an opportunity for OHIO instructors to collaborate with their peers to explore a topic of interest related to teaching and learning. Most FLCs include faculty from different disciplines, which helps to foster discussion that benefits from a broad range of backgrounds and experiences. Learning communities meet for a semester, and participants work toward completing goals related to the community topic.

FLCs generally comprise eight to 12 instructors. FLCs meet synchronously (face-to-face or online) for a minimum of four sessions over a semester and engage in activities and conversations related to teaching, learning and/or assessment.

If you have questions regarding the proposal process or FLCs as professional development for instructors, contact CTLA Executive Director Melinda Rhodes-DiSalvo by email at ctla@ohio.edu.

October 23, 2022
Staff reports