News and Announcements

Intramural sports fall season two registration is now open

Registration for intramural sport leagues and intramural sport events during the Fall Season 2 has begun. Registration and additional information can be found at .

Opportunities to play in leagues include 4-on-4 flag football, 7-on-7 soccer, 3-on-3 basketball and disc golf. Teams that register will play over the course of several weeks.

Sporting events offered are 2-on-2 sand volleyball (Oct. 23-24), golf (Oct. 28), wiffleball (Nov. 6-7), and ultimate frisbee (Nov. 13-14). Each event will be a tournament-style bracket over the course of one or two days depending on the sport and number of participants.

Registration for each event closes two days before the first day of the event.

October 14, 2021
Staff reports