University Community

Addressing mask expectations on campus and in classrooms

COVID Operations has prepared recommendations to help students, faculty, and staff address OHIO’s mask expectations.  

All OHIO community members are required by the Presidential Health Directives to wear masks in all public indoor spaces on OHIO campuses. Additionally, in the City of Athens,  including businesses and restaurants, regardless of vaccination status. 

OHIO students, faculty and staff who see colleagues or peers not wearing a mask, or wearing a mask improperly, are expected to address the issue using these guidelines for Addressing OHIO’s Mask Expectations. 

“We must hold each other accountable for the public health measures that will keep our community safe,” said Gillian Ice, special assistant to the president for public health operations.  

COVID Operations’ guidelines include tips for handling informal interactions, as well as guidelines for faculty and staff to report policy violations. 

August 20, 2021
Staff reports