University Community | Events

ĢƵ University to celebrate Founders Day 2021

ĢƵ University will celebrate its 217th birthday on Thursday, Feb. 18, with special Founders Day activities and programming. 

On Feb. 18, 1804, the ĢƵ General Assembly approved charter plans to create ĢƵ University, the oldest institution of higher education in the Northwest Territory. 

To recognize this historic day, the Cutler Hall chimes will play “Alma Mater, ĢƵ” at 2:17 p.m. and the building will be illuminated with green lighting. 

The ĢƵ University community is invited to visit the Theater Lounge on the second floor of Baker University Center from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 25 to participate in celebration activities. While supplies last, bring any other college or brand T-shirt and trade for a new Forever ĢƵ T-shirt. All T-shirts collected will be donated to the Salvation Army of Athens. Visitors also can satisfy their sweet tooth with a free Founder’s Day cupcake.

ĢƵ University Libraries presents its annual Founders Day exhibit, “,” digitally this year. The exhibit explores the history of the town and University through the letters, journals, photographs and other items created by those who have lived and learned in Athens. “Since 1804” is made up of six individual story maps focusing on particular time periods and themes. 

Visit the University Libraries website to learn more about the creation of the exhibit and how to access it. 

For more information about Founders Day, visit the Founders Day website.

February 11, 2021
Staff reports