OHIO to officially convert to open source fonts Jan. 1, 2019

ĢƵ University is currently in the process of converting to open source fonts “EB Garamond” and “Barlow.” The new fonts will officially replace Galliard and Frutiger beginning Jan. 1, 2019.

The transition will ensure the University’s continued ability to deliver approved fonts access to colleges and units and advance the OHIO brand. The conversion is also anticipated to provide significant cost savings to the University. Zilla Slab will remain in use as a secondary font.

OHIO users can access and download approved EB Garamond, Barlow and Zilla Slab font packages online via the Office of Information Technology. Each font is compatible with both MacOS and Windows machines.

Although OHIO’s transition to EB Garamond and Barlow will not officially occur until Jan. 1, 2019, UCM encourages colleges and units to plan ahead and begin utilizing these new fonts within all print/digital materials as soon as possible.

Full adoption of the new fonts across the institution is required to maintain consistency of this part of the University’s brand. All units will be required to remove Galliard and Frutiger from University-owned machines no later than Dec. 31, 2018. Comprehensive font removal instructions for both Windows and MacOS machines are available online. It is important to note that units will be held financially responsible to Monotype Inc. for any continued use of Galliard and/or Frutiger beginning Jan. 1, 2019.

The UCM website will include additional fonts conversion details and build upon the initial list of frequently asked questions addressed here.

The UCM Marketing team will provide the latest updates and share answers to new FAQs via this page. Mark Krumel, UCM Senior Director of Marketing Services, is also available to provide further insight and assistance. He can be reached at krumel@ohio.edu or 740.593.1927.

Additional Frequently Asked Questions

What is the transition deadline? 
OHIO’s official fonts transition will occur Jan. 1, 2019; however, UCM encourages colleges and units to plan ahead and begin utilizing EB Garamond and Barlow as soon as possible. All units will be required to remove Galliard and Frutiger from University-owned machines no later than Dec. 31, 2018. Units will be held responsible financially to Monotype Inc. for any continued use of Galliard and/or Frutiger beginning Jan. 1, 2019.

How do I remove Frutiger and Galliard fonts from my computer? 
Comprehensive font removal instructions for both Windows and Mac machines are available online via OHIO’s Office of Information Technology. Please note that you must be logged into your computer as an administrator to remove fonts. If you do not have administrator access, the IT Service Desk can help.

I’m currently utilizing Frutiger and/or Galliard fonts within my OHIO website. How do I remove them? 
OIT met their goal to remove Frutiger and Galliard from all websites on the ohio.edu domain by Dec. 31, 2018.

All websites not hosted via the ohio.edu domain were equally required to discontinue their use of Frutiger and/or Galliard no later than Dec. 31, 2018. Units are held financially responsible to Monotype Inc. for any continued use of Galliard and/or Frutiger beginning Jan. 1, 2019.

How will typography on my site display after Frutiger and/or Galliard have been removed?
For sites that have migrated to new WebCMS: Any ohio.edu site that has already migrated to the WebCMS will automatically begin displaying OHIO’s new font family upon the removal of Frutiger and Galliard.

For sites awaiting transition to new WebCMS: Any ohio.edu site that previously utilized Frutiger and/or Galliard, but has yet to transition to the WebCMS, will utilize the fallback font designated in its style sheet. Note: Only minor visual changes are anticipated to be experienced as a result of the style sheet change.

What are the anticipated cost savings of making this switch?
OHIO’s transition to open source fonts is anticipated to save approximately $60,000 over the next three years.

Can I purchase a departmental license to continue my use of Frutiger and/or Galliard? 
Units are not permitted to purchase a license and/or continue their use of Frutiger and/or Galliard fonts beyond Dec. 31, 2018. Full adoption of the new fonts across the institution is required to maintain consistency of this part of the University’s brand.

November 28, 2018
Staff reports