Meet October 2018 Classified Employee of the Month Erin Jeffers

Photo courtesy of: Classified Senate(L-R):Dana Wright, Pat Bungard, Megan Vogel, Cyndi Parsons, Erin Jeffers, Erin Dunn, Adam Grimm, Tim Epley
The purpose of the Non-bargaining Classified Employee of the Month award is to acknowledge and recognize those who are setting the standards for excellence and innovation at ĢƵ University.
This recognition is Classified Senate’s way of awarding those employees who have shown outstanding individual achievement and performance of their jobs, while inspiring and supporting the achievement of others. Criteria include:
- Positive attitude and serving as a role model
- Productivity and commitment to quality
- Initiative and taking on additional responsibilities
The October 2018 recipient is Erin Jeffers, an accounting support senior specialist, who was nominated by Megan Vogel, special assistant to the vice president for student affairs.
The following is a sample of the comments made about Erin on her nomination form and from other co-workers:
- “Erin is always extremely helpful and responsive. She is always pleasant and resourceful in assisting us in resolving issues, answering questions or accommodating us in any way she can.”
- “Erin has helped me numerous times over the past year, mostly relating to securing new p-cards for staff and increasing limits in emergencies. She is a great resource for staff, which ultimately enable us to serve OHIO students better. The most recent example of this was this week, we needed an urgent p-card limit increase to address a student emergency. Erin responded quickly, enabling us to better assist the student and address the concerns. This would not have been possible without Erin’s support.”
- “Erin has always been a delight. I have worked with her for quite a while and I have learned that she is someone that can be relied upon and is a valuable resource for me and the other finance officers within our division. We are all very thankful for all she does to support us in our daily work.”
- “Erin is wonderful to work with and a great selection for EOTM. I appreciate her expertise and willingness to help with whatever issue might arise in our department. Thank you, Erin!”
These are Erin Jeffers’ answers to some get-to-know-you questions:
How surprised were you to win the Employee of the Month award?
I was completely surprised! Anyone that knows me would say it does not surprise them that I cried a little.
What is your job title and how long have you worked it?
I have been the PCard administrator in Finance for the last 2.5 years.
What are the most enjoyable things about your job?
I love meeting new employees and students every day. I also love the people that I work.
What is your hometown?
I grew up in Albany and graduated from Alexander High School. I am very proud to be from Athens County and I still live on our family dairy farm.
What are your long-term goals?
I would really like to finish my bachelor’s degree in finance.
What was the last good book you read?
I wish I had more time to read, but the last book I loved was, “Eat, Pray, Love.”
If you weren’t in your present job, you would be working as a ______.
I always wanted to be a doctor and I really think that is what I would be doing if I had the confidence. I love kids so I would probably be a pediatrician.
What things in life are the most important to you?
My family and friends mean the world to me. Most of my family are my friends and I would not be where I am today without them.
Where is your favorite vacation destination?
The Smoky Mountains has recently become my favorite spot. With the mountains, the shopping and the kid fun, it is perfect for us.
What are your hobbies?
I love spending time with my step-kids and my family. I recently got married so my family has grown and I could not be happier. My husband and I love to hike, canoe or really do anything outside.
What is something that most people don’t know about you?
I can have a temper, but it takes a lot to make me mad.
What are your favorite TV shows?
I am a Netflix junkie, so really anything that has a good plot or is a good comedy. I love to laugh! My secret pleasure is “Big Brother,” the only reality show I can’t stay away from.
Who are your favorite musicians?
I love Cake, I have followed them since I was in high school.
What is the next big event you can't wait for?
I just got married on Nov. 10, so I am really just hoping to get things back to normal. But I would say the arrival of a new niece or nephew in the next few years would be amazing.
Who are your favorite celebrities?
I do not follow a lot of celebrities, but I would be pretty excited to see several stand-up comedians.
Who are the most annoying celebrities to you?
The celebrities that think they are above the law and the morals of the rest of us. That is the most annoying thing to me.
What is your dream car/truck/SUV?
I would love to have a brand new SUV. I have always bought used vehicles.
What is your favorite saying or quote?
“Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” -Winnie the Pooh