RallyCap Sports OU helps those with disabilities play sports

This year, Jake Brahney, chose to start a fundraiser for the ĢƵ University chapter of RallyCap Sports in lieu of receiving birthday gifts. The organization works to provide sport programs for children and young adults with special needs.

Brahney’s goal was surpassed within the first several days of his fundraiser. By the fifth day, he had more than doubled his goal. Brahney’s fundraiser began on July 20 and ended Aug. 4, his birthday. In two weeks, he raised over $700 in funds toward the OHIO chapter.

“I don’t have a family member with a disability, I just love the organization,” said Brahney. “I grew up around sports and love the opportunities I was given. I just feel everyone should have that opportunity.”

This will be the OHIO chapter’s third year. The organization does not have an age cap, offering the program to anyone seven years old and up with any type of disability. Participation is not limited to the Athens area, anyone willing to make the drive may attend the program. Local residents may take bus transportation to the Athens Community Center, where all games are held.

Brahney chose this nonprofit because their mission means a great deal to him. He regularly volunteers at his local chapter in New Jersey, but has a cousin who volunteers and attends at OHIO.

“I just felt like I’ve donated time and money here in Jersey, but it made sense to me to share the wealth with another area,” said Brahney. “There are kids all over the country that deserve this opportunity.”

Julie Koehler, the director of OHIO RallyCap chapter has been with the program since her first semester at OHIO. She is now a junior majoring in exercise physiology.

“Jake’s donation is awesome and will help get RallyCap at OU more known,” said Koehler. Also, it will bring more kids and volunteers. He will really help make an impact.”

RallyCap Sports OU is an expansion chapter run by ĢƵ University student volunteers. The OHIO chapter began fall semester 2016. RallyCap Sports They believe people with special needs should be able to play sports just like everyone else.

“I wanted to join because I love kids and like making a difference in people’s lives,” said Koehler.

RallyCap Sports National’s mission is to create a positive sports environments fostering social integration, healthy living, and greater self-confidence for children and young adults with special needs.

“It’s so incredibly generous that he thought of us,” said Lily Alten, operations director of the RallyCap Sports National. “We thank Jake for organizing the fundraiser and his family and friends who donated to our chapter. The donation will cover adaptive sports equipment and trophies for the entire year.”

The OHIO chapter gives out trophies at the end of each four-week session in the fall and spring. The group provides soccer and basketball, but is exploring other options for future seasons. The fall season kickoff with be held mid-September with practice and games starting in October.

Those interested in participating should visit .

RallyCap soccer game

Photo courtesy of: RallyCap Sports NationalSome of the sports participants play soccer

August 26, 2018
Angela Brock