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Project Details

Helping Three Rural Communities in Ecuador

Multifaceted Program Ensures Success

Healthy Living Project is a long-term initiative facilitating socioeconomic development of rural communities affected by Chagas disease in Loja, a province in southern Ecuador. The project is currently targeting at the communities in Chaquizca, Bella Maria and Guara.


Apart from clinical activities to eliminate Chagas disease, providing health education to different groups within the community. Promoting and facilitating health are also a core part of this component.


Helping  citizens of the three communities to find funds to build better houses that are resistant to infestation of triatomines as well as other insects.


Strengthening the  capacity of  adults and children to reinforce Chagas disease prevention, water use and conservation by organizing theater and dance activities, publishing local legends, tales, stories, anecdotes and history to reinforce community identity.

Community Organization

True community development requires effective leadership and transparent representation of all the citizens. This component aims to strengthen those structures so community members can be the architects of their own well being.

Safety and Security

Reinforcement of home and community to protect people from Chagas disease and social and regional issues.


Providing community members who choose to participate activities that bring in more money for personal profit, and also the ability to pool together funds in a community account for future development needs that the communities themselves identify, as needed. These activities include jewelry making and guided bird-watching tours.