Libraries Offer Virtual Study Rooms
We know the library is the place where you go to get work done. When you visit, you get inspired by seeing others study and you work harder. It’s an awesome place with incredible powers. While it’s unfortunate we can’t have the usual crowds of students studying in our libraries right now, that doesn’t mean you can't study with and be inspired by other students in a different way!
Beginning Monday, November 23, the Libraries will offer a new way to study with your peers. Open to all students, our will offer a communal online space for friends, classmates, and fellow Bobcats to gather once again.
Whether you come alone or bring a friend, our virtual study rooms will offer safe, friendly spaces to meet up and study with others. Simply , read our , and join via Microsoft Teams. You can even download some to help you feel that “in the library” vibe.
“OHIO students have told us that being around their peers in the Libraries' study spaces helps inspire and motivate them to study hard and keep on task, observed Kelly Broughton, assistant dean of research and education services. “This effort is an experiment to see how we might be able to facilitate that same atmosphere in the digital environment now that so many of our students can't use the physical libraries like they used to.”
Each virtual study room will be scheduled and moderated by a library student employee. “Our student employees are going to be leading this effort to make a welcoming peer study environment,” explained Joey Walden, student employee coordinator. “This was something we wanted from the beginning, and I am thrilled that this is something they can do, in a safe way, to help better the student experience during this pandemic.”
“I’m excited about the virtual study rooms because I think this is going to be a good alternative for students that are new to campus to socialize safely,” explains Hanna Johnson, a library student employee and virtual study room monitor. Regardless of location, the study rooms will be a great place for all students to study together.