- Limited to 20 hours per week during the academic year (Fall and Spring semesters)
- Students without an assistantship may work up to 36 hours per week during breaks (winter, spring and summer).
- This policy is not based on immigration but is strictly based on OUHR policy.
- Any questions about work limitations during official University breaks should be directed to OUHR.
Students who have a graduate assistantship are considered working the number of hours listed on their graduate appointment letter whether they work those hours per week or not. (e.g., graduate contract says 20 hours, but student is only working 10; from an immigration standpoint they are considered to be working 20 hours).
Working more than 20 hours on-campus during the Fall and Spring semesters is a violation of their visa status and will result in the termination of a student’s immigration record.
While it is the student’s responsibility to NOT work over 20 hours/week, please be aware of this as you ask them to complete work for you. Reminder: working 25 hours in one week but splitting the logging of the hours over two weeks is impermissible under labor regulations.