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Class Attendance

[Section IV B of Handbook]

1. Instructor Absences

The teacher is expected to meet all classes for which he/she/they are scheduled. Members of the faculty who must be absent from teaching responsibilities shall have the approval of the chair of the department and the dean of the college. If an absence can be anticipated, approval shall be obtained in advance and, where possible, arrangements made for a substitute.

2. Dropping Non-attending Students

At the instructor’s option, a student may be asked to drop a class from his/her/their schedule if the student misses the first two meetings of a class without notifying and obtaining approval from the instructor in cases when each class meeting is less than 80 minutes of actual instructional time. If the class meetings are 80 minutes or more, the student may be asked to drop if he/she/they miss the FIRST meeting of the class without notifying the instructor and obtaining approval.

3. Class Attendance Policy

The weight given to class attendance in determining a student's grade is an academic matter; therefore, all instructors are responsible for their own attendance policies. They will convey these policies to their students during the first week of classes each term. A written statement of each attendance policy will be transmitted to the appropriate department chair. (It is noted that all classes will meet for their full period on days immediately before and after vacation.) Each attendance policy must be consistent with the following guidelines:

  1. The policy must not contradict the student regulations on absences as given in the Undergraduate Catalog and reproduced herein (see Section IX.C.).
  2. Any limits on the number of excused absences or on the availability of make-up work for excused absences must be included in the policy.
  3. Within their established attendance policies, instructors are expected to accommodate students returning to class after a legitimate (see Section IX.C.) absence. This accommodation may take the form of make-up work, recalculation of the student's grade based on remaining work, or other means as specified in the policy.