Zoe Felber
February 5, 2021

Teamwork: ever since we were kids, we’ve been taught to work together and value other people’s opinions. It’s even represented in one of our favorite childhood theme songs growing up. Sing it with me: “What’s gonna work? Teamwork! What’s gonna work?! Teamwork!

What is teamwork or a team? Teams come in all shapes and sizes. Maybe you’re working on a class project, or starting a business, or even planning the first ever virtual Nelsonville Music Festival. No matter what team you’re on, you will need to learn how to work with others.

However, working in a team is a lot easier said than done. Here are 4 tips on how to perfect your teamworking skills:

  1. Take the time to understand your team’s strengths and weaknesses.

Let’s use the example of the virtual Nelsonville Music Festival team. Understanding that one intern has strengths in the audio setup while another has strengths in marketing will help the festival thrive. Can you imagine if you put an intern with little audio background in charge of the volume? You wouldn’t be able to hear anything. Understanding your team member’s strengths and weaknesses can prevent these problems.

  1. Actively listen.

Actively listening is distinct from just listening. When someone shares their thoughts, instead of thinking of a retort, consider asking a follow up question. They said they’re interested in helping with the logistics of the virtual music festival. Instead of saying what you’re interested in: dive deeper. Maybe they are great at logistics involved in planning an event, but not at reaching out to schedule each performer for the event. By actively listening, each teammate will feel more appreciated.

  1. Know when to keep working and when to take a break.

We all know the stress of too much work. And we feel like if we let ourselves rest—even for a minute—we will just have more work to do. While it’s important to work hard, know that it is okay to give yourself a break. Director Antonuccio of the virtual Nelsonville Music Festival even said that him and his partner tried, “to keep each other moving forward. Sometimes we would have to slow down because one of us would feel exhausted.” By leaning on team members, make sure to check in with each other to see if you should take a break or not.

  1. Have fun.

At the end of it all—have fun! Whether you are on the virtual Nelsonville Music Festival team, a sports team, starting a business, or any other type of team: remember why you became a part of the team. Was it because it was fun, inspiring, or meaningful? Whatever your reason, let yourself enjoy it.