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GAANN Fellowships

GAANN Fellowships

What is GAANN?

The Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) Fellowship is available to graduate students with the goal of becoming university faculty members or other high-impact researchers.  The fellowship is awarded based on academic performance and financial need, upon the approval of the Graduate School and the corresponding department hosting a fellowship.  

GAANN Programs 

Eligibility Requirements 

  1. Enrolled full-time in or admitted to the doctoral program in department hosting a fellowship 

  2. U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or a permanent resident of a Free State 

  3. Committed to a career as a university faculty member or high-impact researcher 

  4. Outstanding undergraduate and (if applicable) graduate academic record (cumulative grade point average) 

  5. Demonstrated financial need, determined according to federal guidelines 

How to Apply 

Step 1.  Apply to the Ph.D. program in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Mechanical and Systems Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science or Physics.

Step 2.  Email the department's GAANN contact expressing your intent to apply for the GAANN Fellowship. See below.

  • Dr. John Staser in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 
  • Dr. Jason Trembly for Carbon-based Materials for Sustainable Building and Energy Applications: Program in Physics, Mechanical and Systems Engineering, or Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering)
  • Dr. Felipe Aros-Vera in Supply Chain Research in Mechanical and Systems Engineering
  • Dr. Wojciech Jadwisienczak in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science