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Harsha Chenji

Hasrha Chenji
Associate Professor
Stocker Center 351

Research Interests: wireless mobile and sensor networks, mobile computing, cyber-physical systems, systems research

Journal Article, Academic Journal (17)

  • Liu, S., Canan, T., Chenji, H., Laha, S., Kaya, S., Karanth , A. (2022). Exploiting Wireless Technology for Energy-Efficient Accelerators With Multiple Dataflows and Precision. 7. Picataway, NJ: EEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers; 69: 2742-2755. .
  • Atakora, M., Chenji, H. (2022). Agile neighbor discovery in MEMS-based free space optical networks: a computer vision approach. 4. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking; 14: 222. .
  • Canan, T., Kaya, S., Karanth , A., Chenji, H. (2021). Fine-Grain Reconfigurable Logic Circuits for Adaptive and Secure Computing via Work-Function Engineered Schottky Barrier FinFETs. 2. IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits (JXCDC); 7: 150-158.
  • Chao, M., Chenji, H., Yang, C., Stoleru, R., Nikolova, E., Altaweel, A. (2020). EAR: Energy-aware risk-averse routing for disaster response networks. Ad Hoc Networks; 103: 102167. .
  • Atakora, M., Chenji, H. (2018). A Multicast Technique for Fixed and Mobile Optical Wireless Backhaul in 5G Networks. IEEE Access; 6: 27491-27506. .
  • Saadou, A., Chenji, H. (2018). Optimizing Situational Awareness in Disaster Response Networks. IEEE Access; 6: 24625-24638. .
  • Atakora, M., Chenji, H. (2017). Multicast Techniques for Hybrid RF FSO DTNs. 11. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking; 9: 1051-1061.
  • Zhang, W., Suresh, M., Stoleru, R., Chenji, H., others, . (2014). On Modeling the Coexistence of 802.11 and 802.15. 4 Networks for Performance Tuning. 10. Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on; 13: 5855–5866.
  • Chenji, H., Zhang, W., Stoleru, R., Arnett, C. (2013). DistressNet: A disaster response system providing constant availability cloud-like services. 8. Ad Hoc Networks; 11: 2440–2460.
  • Chenji, H., Stoleru, R. (2013). Towards Accurate Mobile Sensor Network Localization in Noisy Environments. 99. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing; 1–1.
  • Barooah, P., Chenji, H., Stoleru, R., Kalmár-Nagy, T. (2012). Cut detection in wireless sensor networks. 3. Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on; 23: 483–490.
  • Stoleru, R., Wu, H., Chenji, H. (2012). Secure neighbor discovery and wormhole localization in mobile ad hoc networks. 7. Ad Hoc Networks; 10: 1179–1190.
  • Liao, C., Chenji, H., Barooah, P., Stoleru, R., Kalmár-Nagy, T. (2011). Detecting Separation in Robotic and Sensor Networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1102.3396.
  • George, S., Zhou, W., Chenji, H., Won, M., Lee, Y., Pazarloglou, A., Stoleru, R., Barooah, P. (2010). DistressNet: a wireless ad hoc and sensor network architecture for situation management in disaster response. 3. Communications Magazine, IEEE; 48: 128–136.
  • Chenji, H. (2010). Implementing a Real LoST Civic Database Using ALI Records.
  • Chenji, H., Barooah, P., Stoleru, R., Kalmár-Nagy, T. (2008). Demo abstract: Distributed cut detection in sensor networks. 6th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys’ 08).
  • Kim, J., Song, W., Schulzrinne, H., Zacchi, A., Jain, A., Chenji, H., Magnussen, C., Norton, C., Magnussen, W., Schworer, I., others, . (2008). The Next Generation 9-1-1 Proof-Of-Concept System. ACM SIGCOMM Demo.

Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book (2)

  • Chenji, H., Stoleru, R. (2020). Delay-tolerant networks (DTNs) for emergency communications. Elsevier.
  • Chenji, H., Stoleru, R. (2014). Delay-tolerant networks (DTNs) for emergency communications. Advances In Delay-Tolerant Networks (DTNs): Architecture and Enhanced Performance; 105.

Conference Proceeding (24)

  • Cunningham, G., Chenji, H., Juedes, D., Karanth , A. (2024). d-GUARD: Thwarting Denial-of-Service Attacks via Hardware Monitoring of Information Flow using Language Semantics in Embedded Systems. Incheon, South Korea: 29th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2024).
  • Cunningham, G., Juedes, D., Stewart, G., Chenji, H., Karanth , A. (2023). DAGGER: Exploiting Language Semantics for Program Security in Embedded Systems. San Fransisco, CA: 24th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED).
  • Mourning, C., Chenji, H., Hallman-Thrasher, A., Kaya, S., Abukamail, N., Juedes, D., Karanth , A. (2023). Reflections of Cybersecurity Workshop for K-12 Teachers. ACM SIGCSE.
  • Mourning, C., Juedes, D., Hallman-Thrasher, A., Chenji, H., Kaya, S., Karanth , A. (2022). Reflections of Cybersecurity Workshop for K-12 Teachers and High School Students. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery; 1127. .
  • Atakora, M., Chenji, H. (2022). A Link Quality Indicator for Topology Control in MEMS-based FSO Networks. IEEE; .
  • Canan, T., Kaya, S., Chenji, H., Karanth , A. (2020). Reconfigurable Gates with Sub-10nm Ambipolar SB-FinFETs for Logic Locking & Obfuscation. IEEE; .
  • Atakora, M., Chenji, H. (2020). Fast Neighbor Discovery in MEMS FSO Networks. IEEE; .
  • Tiwari, A., Chenji, H., Devabhaktuni, V. (2018). Comparison of Statistical Signal Processing and Machine Learning Algorithms for Spectrum Sensing. 2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Optical Networks and Systems (Globecom2016 ONS).
  • Saadou, A., Chenji, H. (2017). A Network-centric Model of Situational Awareness. 36th Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), 2017.
  • Atakora, M., Chenji, H. (2017). Overcoming Alignment Delay in RF+FSO Networks. 13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC).
  • Atakora, M., Chenji, H. (2016). Optimal Multicasting in Hybrid RF/FSO DTNs. 2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Optical Networks and Systems (Globecom2016 ONS).
  • Chenji, H., Stewart, G., Wu, Z., Javaid, A., Devabhaktuni, V., Bhasin, K., Wang, B. (2016). An architecture concept for cognitive space communication networks. 34th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC).
  • Wu, Z., Chenji, H., Stewart, G., Javaid, A., Devabhaktuni, V., Bhasin, K., Wang, B. (2016). Intelligent Channel Sensing based Secure Cross Layer Cognitive Networking for Resilient Space Communication. 2016 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON).
  • Chenji, H., Haas, Z. (2015). Enhancement of wireless bandwidth utilization through user’s QoE. Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2015 IEEE; 2038–2043.
  • Chenji, H., Haas, Z., Xue, P. (2015). Low Complexity QoE-aware Bandwidth Allocation for Wireless ContentDelivery. Tampa, USA: IEEE MILCOM; 425-431.
  • Chenji, H., Stoleru, R. (2014). Pareto optimal cross layer lifetime optimization for Disaster Response Networks. IEEE COMSNETS; 1–8.
  • Won, M., Stoleru, R., Chenji, H., Zhang, W. (2013). On optimal connectivity restoration in segmented sensor networks. EWSN; 131–148.
  • Chenji, H., Smith, L., Stoleru, R., Nikolova, E. (2013). Raven: Energy aware QoS control for DRNs. 464–471.
  • Nikolova, E., Stoleru, R., Smith, L., Chenji, H. (2013). Raven: Energy aware QoS control for DRNs. 464–471.
  • Chenji, H., Zhang, W., Won, M., Stoleru, R., Arnett, C. (2012). A wireless system for reducing response time in Urban Search & Rescue. 215–224.
  • Wang, D., Ahmadi, H., Abdelzaher, T., Chenji, H., Stoleru, R., Aggarwal, C. (2011). Optimizing quality-of-information in cost-sensitive sensor data fusion. 1–8.
  • Stoleru, R., Wu, H., Chenji, H. (2011). Secure neighbor discovery in mobile ad hoc networks. 35–42.
  • Chenji, H., Stoleru, R. (2010). Mobile sensor network localization in harsh environments. IEEE DCOSS; 244–257.
  • Chenji, H., Barooah, P., Stoleru, R., Kalmár-Nagy, T. (2008). Distributed cut detection in sensor networks. 373–374.

Technical Report (1)

  • Chenji, H., Hassanzadeh, A., Won, M., Li, Y., Zhang, W., Yang, X., Stoleru, R., Zhou, G. (2011). A wireless sensor, adhoc and delay tolerant network system for disaster response. Technical Report LENSS-09-02.