On-Campus FAQ


I am in the Pre-IHS (ND6340) major, what does this mean?

Students are admitted into the Pre-IHS (ND6340) major when they do not meet all requirements to be admitted into the BSIHS. You will be able to work on your IHS courses while you work to meet the BSIHS admissions requirements. You must achieve and maintain a 2.67 GPA to remain eligible for admission into the BSIHS.

How do I view my DARS if I am in the Pre-IHS major?

If you are in the Pre-IHS major, you will need to request a “What-If DARS” anytime you would like to review your degree requirements. To request a What-If DARS, go to /registrar/academic-advisee-list-and-dars-reports and log into the Faculty & Advising Center with your OHIO ID and password.

Select the green “Request What-If DARS Report” button. Select "What-If" DARS report for an undergraduate major” and continue. Select your catalog year and continue. Select “Integrated Healthcare Studies” from the dropdown menu and continue, then submit. You will now be able to view your What-If DARS.

Can I graduate in the Pre-IHS major?

Students in the Pre-IHS major are not eligible to apply for graduation until they meet all requirements for BSIHS admission. Students must be admitted into the BSIHS at the beginning of the term in which they plan to apply for graduation. Ex: If you wanted to apply to graduate in the Spring Semester, you must qualify for the BSIHS at the end of Fall Semester. You will not be able to walk at the commencement ceremony if you are the Pre-IHS major. Work closely with your academic advisor to ensure you are working towards BSIHS admission and graduation.

I need technical assistance. Whom should I contact?

The OIT Service Desk is available to assist you with accessing Blackboard, antivirus software, email, and your OHIO ID and PID. If you have problems or questions, call the OIT Service Desk at 740.593.1222 or submit a request online at www.ohio.edu/oit. Questions about Blackboard can be sent by email to bbsupport@ohio.edu. Please check  for current hours of service.

What do I need to do to return to ĢƵ University after taking off a term or more (re-enroll)?

You are considered to be a re-enrolling student if you take a fall or spring term off, and then decide to return to ĢƵ University. Taking the summer off does not make you a re-enrolling student.

Students who have attended since 1985 (i.e., student record is in the student information system) must complete the Re-enrollment Form. Students who have not attended since 1985 must complete the Application for Re-enrollment. The forms are available on the Office of the University Registrar’s Forms page.

How do I apply for graduation and why?

To graduate, all students must apply online through their My OHIO Student Center no later than the application deadline listed for the term in which graduation is planned.

The submission of a graduation application initiates the graduation process, which leads to the official conferral or denial of your degree. When a degree is conferred the Graduation Division of the Registrar's Office will include the degree notation on the student's official transcript, order and mail their diploma, print the student's name in the commencement program, and verify the award of the degree to prospective employers. Click for detailed information on the Graduation Process - Quick Reference.

If a student applies for graduation and the degree is denied, the student may reapply for their degree during the term they intend to complete their graduation requirements.

Where can I get information about commencement?

The Office of Event Services coordinates the commencement ceremony including the sale of caps and gowns. Information about commencement is available at the commencement website or you may email their office at commencement@ohio.edu, or call 740.593.4020.