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CHSP Standing Committees

College of Health Sciences and Professions

2024-2025 Standing Committees FINAL


Appointments: Typically, each director/chair will recommend a member (or members) for each of the committees approximately 3 weeks before the end of the term preceding the academic year of actual appointments.

Undergraduate Curriculum and Planning Committee

Shall review all proposals for undergraduate and graduate curricular changes and/or new programs brought forward from the schools/department before forwarding material from the College to the Individual Course Committee of the University Curriculum Council or to the Program Committee of the University Curriculum Council. This group convenes every month during the academic year for 1 ½ hours. 

Tiffany Arnold, SPHarnoldt2@ohio.edu 7-2981
Anna Brooks, EXPHbrooksa2@ohio.edu 3-1334
Jana Hovland, FNShovland@ohio.edu 3-2875
Kalyn McDonald, HSLSmcdonaldk@ohio.edu N/A
Tobe Gillogly, IHSgilloglt@ohio.edu7-7962
Sheryl House, SONhouses@ohio.edu8-2553
Terri Cluse-Tolar, SWcluse@ohio.edu 3-1291
Kim Ephlin, Dean's Officeephlin@ohio.edu3-4516
Sally Marion-Fetty, Dean's Officemarinels@ohio.edu3-1417

Graduate Curriculum and Planning Committee

Shall review all proposals for undergraduate and graduate curricular changes and/or new programs brought forward from the schools/department before forwarding material from the College to the Individual Course Committee of the University Curriculum Council or to the Program Committee of the University Curriculum Council. This group convenes every month during the academic year for 1 ½ hours. 

Christina Popescu, SPHcristinap@ohio.edu6-8014
Cheryl Geng, PAgengc@ohio.edu614-793-5631
Angela Hillman, EXPHhillman@ohio.edu3-0153
Carmela Daniels, SWdanielsc@ohio.edu3-1269
Tobe Gillogly, IHSgilloglt@ohio.edu7-7962
Laura Harris, ATharrisl2@ohio.edu 3-5644
Vatsala Maitin, FNSmaitin@ohio.edu 3-0496
Rebecca Meier, HSLSmeierr@ohio.edu 3-0448
Robert Wayner, PTwayner@ohio.edu N/A
Selena Yearwood, SONyearwood@ohio.edu N/A
Sherleena Buchman, Dean's Officebuchmans@ohio.edu3-4499
Kim Ephlin, Dean's Officeephlin@ohio.edu3-4516

Interprofessional Education Committee

The IPE committee shall provide recommendations and feedback on IPE initiatives in CHSP.

Josh Christen, EXPHchristej@ohio.edu6-0470
Ann Feltis, HSLSfeltis@ohio.eduN/A
Jeff Vasiloff, PAvasiloff@ohio.edu614-793-5626
Michele Courtney, PTcourtnm1@ohio.edu3-2954
Penelope Roberts, SONrobertsp@ohio.eduN/A
Jenny Chabot, SPHchabot@ohio.edu3-2871
Tobe Gillogly, IHSgilloglt@ohio.edu3-4499
Andrea Bender, ATbendera@ohio.edu3-0935
Sharon, Boyle, Music Therapyboyles2@ohio.eduN/A
Lacey Douglasdouglasl1@ohio.edu3-2179
Kim Orben, FNSorben@ohio.eduN/A
Justin Wheeler, SWwheelel2@ohio.eduN/A
Kim Ephlin, Chair, Dean's Officeephlin@ohio.edu3-4516

Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee

Shall review faculty promotion and tenure dossiers with regard to the University Tenure and Promotion policies, the College Tenure and Promotion policies, and the Schools’ Tenure and Promotion standards, and shall make recommendations to the Dean. Will review periodically (five-year minimum) the CHSP Promotion & Tenure policy and offer recommended changes subject to a faculty vote.

Caroline Kingori, Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs

Janet Simon, ATsimonj1@ohio.edu 7-1876
Jeff Russell, ATjeff.russell@ohio.edu 3-4648
Julie Brown (Fall), SPHbrownj14@ohio.edu7-2665
Cory Cronin (Spring), SPHcroninc@ohio.edu3-0447
Jenny Chabot, SPHchabot@ohio.edu 3-2871
Chao-Yang Lee, HSLSleec1@ohio.edu 3-0232
Jim Montgomery, HSLSmontgoj1@ohio.edu3-1412
Dustin Grooms, PTgroomsd@ohio.edu 3-0130
Cheryl Howe, EPhowec@ohio.edu 3-2888
Rob Brannan, FNSbrannan@ohio.edu 3-2879
Susan Farus-Brown, SONfarus@ohio.edu N/A
Christy Watson, SONvickersc@ohio.edu 740-588-1556
Mingun Lee, SWleem3@ohio.edu 7-1635
Warren Galbreath, SWgalbreat@ohio.edu 740-699-2341
Cheryl Geng, PAgengc@ohio.eduN/A
Caroline Kingori, liaisonkingori@ohio.eduN/A
John McCarthy, Deanmccarthj@ohio.edu 3-4717

Teaching Learning Committee

Shall (a) determine faculty development needs and develop faculty teaching/learning development seminars, (b) provide peer review of faculty internal teaching/learning grant applications and honorary research awards, and (c) develop/provide programming to complement student learning

Within CHSP, each school/ department shall be represented by two (2) faculty members: a Group I faculty member and either an instructional/Group II or a clinical faculty member. Dean’s Office Liaison: Senior Associate Dean. Note.

For the Lee Cibrowski Faculty Advising and Mentoring Award, the selection committee will be augmented by one individual from each of the following units:

  • Interior Architecture (College of Fine Arts)
  • Department of Recreation and Sport Pedagogy (Patton College of Education and Human Services);
  • Department of Human and Consumer Sciences Education (Patton College of Education and Human Services); Department of Sports Administration (College of Business).
Jeff Russell, ATjeff.russell@ohio.edu 3-4648
Michael Clevidence, EPcleviden@ohio.edu 7-3356
Angela Bohyer, FNSbohyer@ohio.edu N/A
Chao-Yang Lee, HSLSleec1@ohio.edu 3-0232
Cynthia Boles, IHSbolesc@ohio.edu 1-3708
Molly Johnson, SONjohnsom4@ohio.edu N/A
Jeff Fisher, PAfisherj4@ohio.edu 614-793-5628
Wenhan Guo, SPHwenhan@ohio.eduN/A
Sarah Webb, SWwebbs2@ohio.edu 3-1297
Neil Evans, PTevansn@ohio.edu N/A
Sherleena Buchman, DObuchmans@ohio.edu 3-4499
Sally Marion-Fetty, DOmarinels@ohio.edu 3-4714
Kim Ephlin, DOephlin@ohio.edu 3-4516

CHSP Research Council

Shall discuss enhancement of existing interdisciplinary research as well as identify innovative and emerging lines of research. Shall meet as needed during the academic year for 1 hour. Shall be represented by a faculty member from each unit designated by Dean or Dean's appointee. Dean's Office Liaison: Associate Dean for Research.

Chorong Oh, HSLSohc@ohio.edu N/A
Cory Cronin (Spring), SPHcroninc@ohio.edu N/A
Kelly Nottingham, SPHnottingk@ohio.eduN/A
Jeff Russell, ATjeff.russell@ohio.edu 3-4648
Ilana Chertok, SONchertok@ohio.edu 3-4492
Nikos Karayannis, PTnvkaray@ohio.edu N/A
Melissa Anderson, EPm.anderson@ohio.eduN/A
Mingun Lee, SWleem3@ohio.edu 7-1635
Jeff Vasiloff, PAvasiloff@ohio.edu N/A
Janet Simon, Liaisonsimonj1@ohio.edu 7-1876

Diversity & Inclusion Committee

Using data that represents the presence and needs of students, faculty, and staff, the committee will create and evaluate programs and services to assure the recruitment and retention of diverse populations that comprise the College of Health Sciences and Professions.

This committee meets one time a month during the calendar year for 1 hour.

Each school/department shall be represented in the college by a faculty/staff member. The committee reserves two slots for an undergraduate and or graduate student, preferably one of each. There is community involvement by inviting local alumni to participate. There is university-wide involvement by inviting a representative from a different unit in diversity and inclusion to participate.

Janet Simon, ATsimonj1@ohio.edu 7-1876
Sharon Perry, EPperrys1@ohio.edu 3-9494
Kim Orben, FNSorben@ohio.edu N/A
Cheryl Prusinski, HSLSprusinsk@ohio.edu N/A
Terri Hood Brown, SONhood-bro@ohio.edu N/A
David Agbunag, PAdagbunag@ohio.edu N/A
Rachel Bican, PTbican@ohio.edu N/A
Kitty Consolo, SPHconsolo@ohio.eduN/A
Julie Brown, SPHbrownj14@ohio.edu7-2665
Sasha Grundfast, SWcollinss1@ohio.edu 7-1727
Kim Ephlin, DOephlin@ohio.edu 3-4516
Sherleena Buchman, DObuchmans@ohio.edu 3-4499

Professional Ethics Committee (Faculty Senate)

The Faculty Handbook reads: Each college and Regional Campus will have a standing Professional Ethics Committee consisting of six faculty members in the college or regional campus unless it is necessary to supplement the Committee with faculty from other colleges or regional campuses. At least four of the six faculty must be tenured Group I faculty. The other two may be selected from among the untenured Group I or Group II faculty. Three of the six members of the College Professional Ethics Committee are selected by the faculty senators from that college or regional campus while the remaining three are appointed by the Dean of the College or Regional Campus. The Chair of the Committee will be appointed by the Dean from among the Group I faculty on the Committee.

The term length for members of the College Professional Ethics Committee will be three years and service is restricted to two successive terms. Initial appointments will be staggered so that each year the senators from the college or regional campus and the Dean will each need to select a new Committee member. The College Professional Ethics Committee will be provided access to appropriate university resources to assist it in carrying out its investigations.

For additional details about the role of this university-based committee, please see the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ University Faculty Handbook on page 75.

Caroline Kingori, Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs

NameAppointment endsAppointment ends
Dean appoints  
Mingun Lee Spring 2026
Melvina Brandau Spring 2026
Heather Harmon Spring 2024
Faculty Senate appoints  
Nilesh WashnikFall 2026 
Cathy BakerFall 2026 
Michele Morrone, ChairSpring 2024