A&S Departmental Thesis — Some Helpful Hints for Getting It All Together

It is a good idea to meet with Randy Price in the A&S College office before you print your thesis on the expensive rag paper. Spring is a particularly busy time. Make an appointment by calling 593-2845 or stop by the A&S front office to set up a time.

The book stores and the printing/copying businesses in uptown Athens carry reams of appropriate weight paper 20lb, 50 percent rag content with a watermark.

The College Bookstore (and possibly others, but not Staples) stocks black SMEAD pressboard binders. It should cost about $3. In spring these binders fly off the shelves, so get yours early.

The (title) label should be carefully affixed to the front of the binder in the label space. Obviously, it must be typewritten. It is just a standard label (sold in perforated sheets of labels), or, the copying establishments have them available to buy or print one by one.

Any ideas for enclosures that include videos, films, recording, photographs, charts, or software, should be discussed with your thesis adviser early on in the process.

Use the Title Page and Approval Page templates to format correctly. When assembling your thesis, after the blank sheet, the Title Page comes next, then the Approval Page, then the Table of Contents. Be sure to include your proper graduation year and your adviser's name and title. Check that your major or degree is correctly indicated.

One bound copy of your thesis must be submitted to the college for the Dean's signature. Later, this copy will be returned to your adviser and department. You may want to keep a fully signed approved copy for yourself.

Common Errors

Wrong binder: Use only a black pressboard binder with flat metal spindles. The spindle apparatus allows for three holes, but only two holes need to be punched in your document since the slider obscures the holes, anyway.

Poorly formatted or lopsided labels: This looks positively sloppy! Position the label carefully in its allocated space. ALL labels must be typewritten, never hand written.

Table of Contents page is missing.

Blank "guard" sheet is missing: A clean sheet of your thesis paper should be inserted first, before the first page of your paper, as well as at the end of your thesis. Check to see that the watermark is right side up and facing the reader, rather than on the back side of the sheet.

Thesis/Project Form does not accompany the thesis, or is not signed by the DHC and/or the thesis project adviser: Make sure it is completed accurately, is typewritten, and that the title matches exactly (e.g., any unusual capitalization, italics, or abbreviations) all the other locations where your title is stated.

Pagination: Unless otherwise indicated by your department's style requirements, the page number is properly located at the upper right of the page. Be certain that all page numbers are the same font and size. Begin numbering in the body of the paper, not the title page.

Incorrect date of graduation: Label and title page should show the graduation month and year (not the approval date), i.e., November 2011, March 2012, June 2012, August 2012.

Incorrect degree information: check your DARS if necessary, but provide the correct major or department name, e.g., Honors in Sociology, not Honors in Criminology.