A&S Probation & Reinstatement

Academic Probation

At the close of the semester, the academic record of each enrolled undergraduate student (regardless of student enrollment status) will be reviewed to verify the accumulative GPA. At the time of the review, if students do not have the required 2.0 minimum accumulative GPA, they will be placed on academic probation. To be removed from probation, a student's accumulative GPA must reach at least a 2.0.

Students with fewer than 90 credit hours earned: If students have fewer than 90 semester credit hours earned and are not removed from probation, they will be continued on probation or academically dismissed. To be continued on probation, a student must have either 1) semester GPA at least 2.0 or 2) accumulative GPA equal to or greater than the minimum GPA defined by hours earned:

Total Hours Earned Minimum Accumulative GPA to be Continued on Probation
0 - 29.99 1.6
30.00 - 59.99 1.8
60.00 - 89.99 1.9

If students are on probation and fail both of the criteria described above, they will be academically dismissed.

Students with 90 or more semester credit hours earned: If students are on probation in a given semester and have 90 or more semester credit hours earned at the end of that semester, they must achieve a 2.0 accumulative GPA to avoid academic dismissal.


When students are academically dismissed, they may petition the College of Arts & Sciences Assistant Dean for Student Affairs for reinstatement, but normally reinstatement will not be granted until at least 12 months after suspension. If a student has been dropped from the University a second time, reinstatement is only possible under extraordinary circumstances and usually is not granted until at least 24 months after the second suspension. Reinstatement may be permanently denied to students with more than two academic suspensions.

Reinstated students in the College of Arts & Sciences must earn an accumulative term GPA of 2.3 or higher upon return or they will be academically suspended.

Reinstatement Program

Students, whose petitions were approved for reinstatement into the College of Arts & Sciences, must participate in the Reinstatement Program. Students are required to sign Reinstatement Agreement Form with a success adviser in the College of Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Advising & Student Affairs and participate in the Turning Points program offered through the Academic Achievement Center. Regional Campus students are to meet with the appropriate adviser through Regional Campus Student Services. Students must earn at least a 2.3 term GPA to be permitted to continue for future terms. Students who do not comply with the stipulations in their agreement may face immediate suspension.