Degree Requirements and Course Offerings for M.A. in Spanish
Degree Requirements
The Spanish M.A. requires the successful completion of four semesters of graduate-level course work, in which students must enroll in a total of 48 hours. Students will take courses in the department with prefixes SPAN or ML and might take courses outside of the department. Students take an average of three courses per semester. Taking additional classes is possible; however, students must receive approval from the Graduate Chair. Students can enroll for up to 18 credit hours per semester without paying additional fees.
All incoming students are required to take SPAN 5900 “Academic Writing” (4 credit hours) fall semester. All students with TAships are required to take SPAN 5640 "Teaching Spanish" (4 credit hours), and two semesters of SPAN 6920 "Problems in Teaching College Spanish" (1 credit hour per semester).
Course Offerings
The following courses constitute the current rotation for the Spanish M.A. A complete list of courses associated with the program is available in the . Not all courses are offered every year.
Peninsular Content
- SPAN 5560 19th-Century Spanish Literature
- SPAN 5565 20th-Century Spanish Literature
- SPAN 5568 Film and Literature of the Franco Era
- SPAN 5570 Contemporary Spanish Literature
Spanish American Content
- SPAN 5513 Survey of Spanish American Literature I
- SPAN 5514 Survey of Spanish American Literature II
- SPAN 5517 Themes in Spanish American Prose
- SPAN 5518 Contemporary Spanish American Literature
Spanish Language and Linguistics Content
- SPAN 5436 Spanish Pragmatics
- SPAN 5437 Applied Phonetics
- SPAN 5438 Hispanic Dialectology and Sociolinguistics
- SPAN 5439 Modern Spanish Usage
- SPAN 5457 History of the Spanish Language
- SPAN 5460 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
- SPAN 5640 Teaching Spanish: Theory and Methodology
- SPAN 5348 Spanish Civilization and Culture
- SPAN 5349 Spanish American Civilization and Culture
- SPAN 5375 History of Art in Spain
- ML 5640 Teaching World Languages: Foundations
- ML 5645 Teaching World Languages: Practice and Planning
- ML 5900 Special Topics: Translation as Writing
- SPAN 5900 Special Topics in Spanish: Academic Writing
- SPAN 6902 Seminar (disciplinary focus varies)
- SPAN 6920 Problems in Teaching College Spanish
- SPAN 6930* Independent Study in Spanish*
- SPAN 6940 Directed Readings
- SPAN 6950 Thesis
* A student may sign up for SPAN 6930 only if no other course is available. Requests for 6930 credit hours must be approved by both the graduate faculty member directing and grading the study and by the Graduate Chair. SPAN 6930 does not count towards the degree requirements unless such credit is pre-approved in writing with signatures of the Graduate Chair and faculty member directing the independent study. If the person directing the project is the same as the Graduate Chair, consultation should be made also with the Department Chair. Records must be kept in the student’s file.