Leon Anderson

Dr. Leon Anderson, portrait
Professor Emeritus of Sociology


Ph. D., 1987, University of Texas at Austin

M.A., 1985, University of Texas at Austin

B.A., 1980, Portland State University


Social Deviance, Homelessness, Qualitative Research Methods, Autoethnography

Professional Affiliations

American Sociological Association, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction

Courses Taught

  • SOC 2110: Collective Behavior
  • SOC 2610: Deviant Behavior
  • SOC 3560J: Writing in Sociology and Anthropology
  • SOC 3650: Sociology of Mental Illness
  • SOC 6010: Qualitative Research Methods

Selected Publications

Curtis Smith and Leon Anderson. 2018. “Fitting Stories: Outreach Worker Strategies for Housing Homeless Clients.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 47: 535–550.

Leon Anderson. 2017. Deviance: Social Constructions and Blurred Boundaries. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Leon Anderson. 2011. “Time is of the Essence: An Analytic Autoethnography of Family, Work, and Serious Leisure.” Symbolic Interaction 34: 133-157.

Leon Anderson and Jimmy D. Taylor. 2010. “Standing Out While Fitting In: Serious Leisure Identities and Aligning Actions among Skydivers and Gun Collectors.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 39: 34-59.

Leon Anderson. 2006. “Analytic Autoethnography.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 35: 373-395.

John Lofland, David Snow, Leon Anderson, and Lyn Lofland. 2005. Analyzing Social Settings (4th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth.

David Snow and Leon Anderson. 1993. Down on Their Luck: A Study of Homeless Street People, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.